The Christmas Story: Love is Born Part III

The Christmas Story: Love is Born Part III

The Christmas Story: Love is Born Part III (Luke 1:39-56) Verse 39 This journey would have been over 80 miles and taken 3-4 days. • No mention is made of a traveling companion but a young “single” woman would not have traveled alone. Verse 40-41 The word used here actually means to leap for Joy!...

The Christmas Story; Love is Born Part II

The Christmas Story; Love is Born Part II

The Christmas Story: Love is Born Part II (Luke 1:26-38) Verse 26 The story now shifts from Zechariah to Mary. • From the public setting of the Temple in Jerusalem to a private scene in a small town. • There are nine parallels between this story and the one that we just looked at with...

Rooted into Thankfulness

Rooted into Thankfulness

Rooted into Thankfulness (Col 2:6-10) Verse 7 There are four very important verbs in this verse. • Be rooted, to build, to be strengthened, and to overflow o And these verbs each build on each other. • The verb here is “to be rooted” or even “to be firmly rooted” o It’s a passive participle....

Left for Dead

Left for Dead

I just love this picture, there is so much truth and victory in this picture. This is a mango tree that someone cut down to just a stump and left for dead. But the roots on this tree were strong. Not only did the tree live, it grew a new branch AND one fruit. Now...


Sowing & Reaping with Authority in Partnership

Sowing and Reaping with Authority in Partnership Matthew 28:18-20 Galatians 6:7-8 If we are co-heirs with Christ, and he has shared his authority with us, where is it, and why don’t we live with it constantly? I believe we were made to partner with Jesus to live in His full authority on this earth. But,...

Praying for Life, Praying Toward Vision Part 3

Praying for Life, Praying Toward Vision Part 3

Praying for Life, Praying Toward Vision Part 3 (Eph 6:18) • Eph 6:18 The emphasis here is actually on the word perseverance o NIV has always keep on • NASU be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints, • Paul is calling the church to persevere in praying for itself...

Praying for Life, Praying Toward Vision Part 2

Praying for Life, Praying Toward Vision Part 2

Praying for Life, Praying Toward Vision Part 2 (Luke10:17; Eph 6:10) Psalm 23:5 The word “table” here has as its first meaning, a kings table, can also mean a sacred table o But the idea behind it is provision, blessings. • The Lord will not only bless us with great provision, a banquet table, He...

Praying for life, Praying toward vision Part 1.5

Praying for life, Praying toward vision Part 1.5

Praying for life, Praying toward vision Part 1.5 (Philippians 4:4-8) • Grammar definition: “The middle voice is that use of the verb which describes the subjects as participating in the results of the action.” • In the middle voice I actively participate in the results of an action that another initiates. o Peterson adds: “Two...

Praying for life, Praying Toward Vision

Praying for life, Praying Toward Vision

Praying for life, Praying Toward Vision (Mark 1:35 and John 15:14) Mark 1:35 It starts out by saying very early in the morning. • This helps avoid distractions. Jesus beat the crowds and distractions by getting up very early. • Then it says Jesus left the house. He had to find that quiet place to...

Entertaining the Presence Part 6

Entertaining the Presence Part 6

Entertaining the Presence Part 6 (Ezekiel 47 and John 7:37) Verse 1 Throughout the book of Ezekiel he has this tour guide simply identified as “the man.” o This man is leading Ezekiel through a long and complex vision. o Much of the last part of the book is related to the restoration of the...

Entertaining the Presence Part 5

Entertaining the Presence Part 5

Entertaining the Presence Part 5 • 2 Chronicles 5:11 The priests then withdrew from the Holy Place. All the priests who were there had consecrated themselves, regardless of their divisions. • Consecration was a part of the preparation they went through before the Lord sent His presence so strong. • Joshua 3:5 “Joshua told the...

Entertaining the Presence Part 4

Entertaining the Presence Part 4

Entertaining the Presence Part 3 (Acts 4) Verse 8 In Mark 13:11 Jesus told His disciple that when you are arrested don’t worry about what to say, the Holy Spirit will give you the words. I love how it says, “when you are arrested” We see that here. Verse 13 This verse should encourage all...

Baptism Message 2018

Baptism Message 2018

Baptism The word Baptize There are two basic forms of the word baptize in the NT • One, which is used less frequently means “to dip” or “to dye” We see both of those images in baptism. • The Other form which is used far more frequently refers to the Jewish cleansing practices. o If...

Entertaining the Presence Pt 2

Entertaining the Presence Pt 2

Entertaining the Presence Part 2 (1 Kings 8, 2 Chronicles 5) 1. Response: God was responding to their preparation, sacrifice, praise, worship and honor. 2. Prophetic vision of the NT era: What God will do in the next era after the Temple. • This scene happens at the inauguration of the Temple • Yet God...

Entertaining the Presence 1.5

Entertaining the Presence 1.5

  Entertaining the Presence Part 1.5 (1 Kings 8, 2 Chronicles 5) Key verse 1 Kings 8:10 & 2 Chronicles 5:13-14 Why is it important to have this level of God’s presence? • First, it is just such a beautiful scene. I think we would all want to be there. • Second, it’s widely reported...

Entertaining the Presence

Entertaining the Presence

Entertaining the Presence (1 Kings 8: 2 Chronicles 5) Key verse 1 Kings 8:10 When the priests withdrew from the Holy Place, the cloud filled the temple of the LORD. 11 And the priests could not perform their service because of the cloud, for the glory of the LORD filled his temple. Why did the...

Joy Complete

Joy Complete

Joy Complete (John 15:9-13) What are some things that attack our joy? 1. Church culture: In the church a few generations ago, there was a rise of stoics, those who thought the best practice of Christianity was to lead a stoic life. Some of this attitude remains today. 2. The enemy: Of course, satan loves...

The Full Armor of God Pt III

The Full Armor of God Pt III

The Full Armor of God Pt III (Eph 6:1-18) Verse 16 The shield here is a Roman shield that was four feet high, made of wood and covered in leather. • Right before a battle they would soak the shield in water to extinguish any flaming arrows. o The shield was also rimmed with metal...

The Full Armor of God Pt II

The Full Armor of God Pt II

The Full Armor of God Pt II (Eph 6:10-18) • Verse 14 … with the breastplate of righteousness in place, o In the Greek the verb to “to put on” is repeated in this clause, the NIV assumes that. o and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, (NASB) • The breastplate was a piece...

The Full Armor of God

The Full Armor of God

The Full Armor of God (Eph 6:10-18) Verse 10 This statement is both a passive verb form and an imperative. • Paul is reminding us that we need to be strengthened and that we must look to the Lord for that to happen. Verse 11 Here Paul introduces the idea of needing to get dressed...

Mega Apostle or Servant

Mega Apostle or Servant

Mega Apostle or Servant (Phil 2:1-9) Verse 1 Paul is writing this letter because there was some disunity in the Philippian Church • Paul begins this section by asking some rhetorical questions. Verse 2 He is calling them to be unified in how they think. Then he goes on to call them to be unified...

Living in the Spirit: Spiritual Gifts Pt 2

Living in the Spirit: Spiritual Gifts Pt 2

Living in the Spirit: Spiritual Gifts Part II Verse 8, The word wisdom here means: wisdom, insight, intelligence, knowledge; Wisdom (of God) • The wisdom of God is really what is in view here. • The spirit gives us wisdom to help us understand the things of God. Words of knowledge The word translated as...

Living in the Spirit: Spiritual Gifts

Living in the Spirit: Spiritual Gifts

Living in the Spirit: Spiritual Gifts (1 Cor 12:1-7) The Difference: Spiritual gift verses a natural talent. • A spiritual gift is something that I can only do with the help of the Holy Spirit. o It’s super-natural • A natural talent is simply the way God has created me. o I am just really...

Living in the Spirit: Pentecost

Living in the Spirit: Pentecost

Living in the Spirit: Pentecost Sunday (Luke 24:49 & Acts 2:1) Luke 24:49 To emphasize the importance of the HS Jesus tells His disciple stay in the city until you receive the Holy Spirit, power from on high. • In this context Jesus is saying that the Great Commission is a Suicide mission without the...

Living in the Spirit: Keeping in Step with the Spirit

Living in the Spirit: Keeping in Step with the Spirit

Living in the Spirit: Keeping in Step with the Spirit (Gal 3:1; Gal 5-16-26) Gal 3:1 The context here is Paul is pointing out how some people had reverted back to the ways of the Law and Old Covenant thinking. Verse 2 We don’t get the Spirit by observing the Law. • If that were...

Living in the Spirit: The Ministry of the Spirit

Living in the Spirit: The Ministry of the Spirit

Living in the Spirit: The Ministry of the Spirit (2 Cor 3:1-18) Verse 3 This is an important ministry of the Spirit, to write on our hearts the testimony and grace of Jesus. • This is the perfect example of how things have now become internal. Verses 4-5 Paul is making the case that they...

Living in the Spirit: The Wisdom of the Spirit

Living in the Spirit: The Wisdom of the Spirit

Living in the Spirit: The Wisdom of the Spirit • John 14:25-26 Jesus says the Holy Spirit will teach us all things. • John 16:12 There was much more that Jesus wanted and needed to teach His disciples and us. • You can’t take all the wisdom of God and download it into human beings...

Living in the Spirit: Reject, Grieve, Quench

Living in the Spirit: Reject, Grieve, Quench

Living in the Spirit: Reject, Grieve, Quench (John 14:16; Eph 5:30; 1 Thes 5:19) • John 14:16-17 In the same context that Jesus promises the Spirit, He warns us that some will reject the spirit. • This makes sense since Jesus has already told His disciples that many would reject Him as the Messiah. •...

Living in the Spirit: Being Filled

Living in the Spirit: Being Filled

Living in the Spirit: Being Filled (Ehp 5:15 and Acts 8) Eph 5:18 The verb here in the NIV as “be filled” is a present passive imperative in the Greek. o There are three components to this grammar that we need to understand. • The first is the Greek Present tense. This basically means it...

Growing Must Change Direction

Growing Must Change Direction

It is only April, and I am finding myself fighting thoughts of being bored with this year. Last year was a doozie for me, and I jumped into 2018 thinking it would be another year for strides of great growth. Over the last year and a half, I made a significant move in: A Relationship...

April 10, 2018April 10, 2018by
Living in the Spirit: Who is the Spirit

Living in the Spirit: Who is the Spirit

Living in the Spirit: Who is the Spirit? First OT use: Gen 1:2 In the English it says the “Spirit of God.” • The word “Spirit” here in Hebrew is the word ruwach (roo-akh) o This word means: wind, breath, mind, spirit. Second use: Gen 2:7 The phrase here is “the breath of life” •...

The Difference Easter Makes

The Difference Easter Makes

Easter 2018 The Difference Easter Makes Living in the Spirit (Jer 31:31; John 14:15) • In the OT era the presence of God was confined largely to a geographic location. • When the Hebrews wandered in the wilderness for 40 years his presence was confined to the Tabernacle. • When they finally reached the promised...

Palm Sunday: Your Greatest Strength is Praise

Palm Sunday: Your Greatest Strength is Praise

Palm Sunday 2018 The Strength of Praise (Luke 19:42 & Matt 21) • During this time period the only way to atone for your sin was to make an animal sacrifice. • We see all of that imagery here in this scene. Jesus the sacrificial lamb in on His way to Jerusalem. Verse 30 Jesus’...

The Costliness of Preparing for Worship

The Costliness of Preparing for Worship

Preparing for Worship Preparing for Worship 2 Sam 24:18-25 • This story starts earlier in the chapter with David sinning against the Lord by taking a census of his army. o Then the Lord speaks through the prophet Gad and sends three options for judgement. • Then we see this scene of worship. What do...

Winning the War for Your Mind Part IV: From Christ’s Victory

Winning the War for Your Mind Part IV: From Christ’s Victory

Sorry for the poor audio quality Winning the War for Our Mind Part IV From Jesus’ Victory (Luke 4:4-14 Isa 61:1-3) • Luke 4:14 Jesus is saying that all these prophecies from Isaiah are now fulfilled in Him. o So, everything promised in this statement from Isa is now true in the person of Jesus....

Staying Down Deep

Staying Down Deep

When I was a kid, I used to try and sit with my legs crossed at the bottom of the pool.  My cousins and I would pretend we were having a tea party down there. It never worked though.  I would get frustrated as we would float back up to the surface of the water;...

Roots Which Hold Tight

Roots Which Hold Tight

Tree roots are fascinating to me. How do they hold onto the ground? It is just dirt!  Most my thoughts of dirt revolve around gardening, potting soil, puling weeds out of the ground, dirt falling through my fingers, and well… mud!  None of these aspects of dirt appear to me to be strong. Yet trees,...

Winning the War for Your Mind Part 3:Temptations

Winning the War for Your Mind Part 3:Temptations

Winning the War for Your Mind Pt III Temptations (1 Cor 10:13, Proverbs) 1Cor 10:13 Three things to see here. • First, Whatever temptation has come against us, it’s common to being human. • Second, God will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear.  Doesn’t mean we won’t fail and give...

Winning The War for Your Mind Part 2 Scripture as our Weapon

Winning The War for Your Mind Part 2 Scripture as our Weapon

Winning the War for Your Mind Pt II Scripture As Our Weapon (Psalm 23) • 2 Cor 10:6 In the natural realm Paul is reestablishing his authority as an Apostle and leader. • Paul talks about the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of this world. o So, it would seem odd that...

Winning the War for Your Mind

Winning the War for Your Mind

Winning the War for Your Mind (2 Cor 10:1-5) Verses 1-2 Paul is addressing some in the Corinthian church who were questioning his authority. Verse 3 Paul realizes that this is a type of spiritual warfare. • They don’t have just cause for their complaints. Paul has been firmly established by God as an Apostle....

Making Disciples Step by Step Part II

Making Disciples Step by Step Part II

Making Disciples Step by Step Part II (Matt 9:9-13) (Review) Step one: Change our thinking Step two: Ask the Lord to open our eyes Step three: Seize the everyday opportunities Step four: Change our conversations Step Five: Think replication (reproducing) (Part II) Step six: Remember discipleship starts from the beginning • We don’t start at...

What Are You Attending To? Part III (The Book of Haggai)

What Are You Attending To? Part III (The Book of Haggai)

What Are You Attending to? Part III (Haggai 2:20-23) • 2:20 This is now the fourth and final oracle of the book. This word comes on the same day as the last one. • This word is addressed to the governor Zerubbabel. o And deals with national, governmental issues. • The Lord’s message is again...

What Are You Attending to? Part II (The Book of Haggai)

What Are You Attending to? Part II (The Book of Haggai)

What Are You Attending to? Part II Chapter 2:1 This begins the second oracle Verse 3 The Lord is asking if there is any one old enough to remember what the Temple used to look like. • But of course, it is nothing now because the people don’t have the resources they did with the...

The Broken Dishwasher

The Broken Dishwasher

But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. – 1 Tim 6:6-8 Have you ever found yourself in that moment where you are thinking, “I could be happy...

What are You Attending to? (The Book of Haggai)

What are You Attending to? (The Book of Haggai)

What are You Attending to? (Haggai Chap 1) • The book of Haggai was written in what we call the postexilic era. o There had been a small and slow trickle of people coming back into the land of Israel. • By the time the events of this book take place the Jews had been...