March 10, 2019

Seek First: The King Gave You His Sword

Seek First: The King Gave You His Sword

Seek First: The King Gave You His Sword
The ten weapons of Spiritual warfare from Nehemiah 4
1. Cry out to the Lord in _________
a. Ask the Lord to put the attacks back on the enemy’s head
2. Work with all your ___________
a. Working half-heartedly is victory for the enemy
3. _________ guards
a. People to watch in the spirit realm
b. Personal, have other people pray for you.
c. Church, prayer teams and prayer shields
4. Take up your ____________, find the week spots
a. With spiritual weapons
b. Even when losing strength
5. Spiritual _____________
a. The word of God, Eph 6:10-18
b. We do not fight with flesh and blood.
6. Don’t be _________
a. This is a weapon
b. Phil 1:28
7. ______________ the Lord
a. Psalm 77
8. ___________ for each other
a. We are all in this together
9. Keeping _____________, be ever ____________
a. The enemy never takes a day off
10. Courageous _______________
a. Have a plan
b. Courageous followership
Key takeaways:
• The King gave us His weapons, no one is going to fight the battle for us. We have to fight.
• We have to use all the weapons, not just one or two