January 13, 2019

Seek First: The Kingdom has a King

Seek First: The Kingdom has a King

Seek First: The Kingdom has a King (Matt 6:25-34; Romans 14:17)
• I can only give myself to seeking the Kingdom I know the Kingdom.
o And if there is a Kingdom then there must also be a King.
o I can only give myself to seeking the Kingdom if I know the King
The Kingdom on earth is not material
o The implication here from Jesus is that all these other things like, food, drink, clothing, are not the Kingdom. So, the material and the kingdom are different.
The Kingdom is also more super-natural than natural.
o In the natural realm we cannot manufacture Peace and Joy, yet they are both so essential to our wellbeing.
o In fact, the natural course of life on earth tends to work against peace and joy.
The Kingdom is also more Spiritual than physical
Verse 25 Food is necessary for life. Yet He says life is more important than food.
o And says this in making a case to seek first the Kingdom.
The kingdom is more rest than activity
Verse 26 Rest and trust in God are more important than striving.
o This verse also tells us we have value, more than the animals. The kingdom is in support of our value.
The Kingdom is a matter of faith
Verse 30 We partner with the Kingdom through faith. In fact, faith is the currency of the Kingdom
But here is the most important thing, if there is a kingdom there has to be a king!
• A kingdom starts with a King. It starts with the rule and reign of a King. The kingdom is the King’s domain.
• Seeking first the Kingdom is tied to how well we know and trust the King
The caring nature of the King
Verse 32 Jesus tells us that the Father knows our needs.
• Not a characteristic of earthly leaders, earthly leaders tell us what we need, Jesus knows what we need.
The eternal nature of the King Luke 1:33 and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end.” Unlike earthly Kings the reign of Jesus goes on forever.
The Goodness of the King: Matt 10:30; Jer 1:5; Psalm 139:13; Palm 139:16; Jer 29:11
With this King Victory is assured: Earthly leaders strike fear into our hearts to position themselves to rescue us. Jesus says do not be afraid, your victory was won 2000 years ago. Isa 25:8
But the Kingdom also has an enemy Just like an earthly Kingdom can have an enemy, so God’s Kingdom has an enemy. Spiritual warfare is real against the Kingdom
o The enemy hates the Kingdom, he hates the King and he hates you if you Seek the Kingdom.
Action Point: Find something new about Jesus’ good nature this week.
We can’t seek first the Kingdom until we trust completely the goodness of the King.