As the pastor’s wife I wear many hats from worship leader, to children’s ministry leader, and women’s group leader. Luckily, I am a woman of many talents, or at least I am willing to do my best. Standing by my husband through planting a church in Crystal Lake from scratch to getting stranded in Mozambique, Africa have been more than I could have ever dreamed. When we married in 1989, we never thought God would bring us on such an adventure. No, it hasn’t always been easy, but I wouldn’t give any of it back.
My full time job is at Lundahl Middle School where I teach language arts and social studies to seventh graders. Herding cats might be easier, but it wouldn’t be nearly as much fun. I have enjoyed the 30 years I have taught in District 47.
When life doesn’t have me grading papers or writing lesson plans. I enjoy taking rides in our convertible that Tim bought for my 50th birthday. It is our ‘soul care’ that we so enjoy together. We enjoy hanging with our grown children and hiking as much as we can. When not with people, you will find my nose in an historical fiction book!