July 7, 2019

Communion: Psalm 23

Communion: Psalm 23

Today we take a look at Psalm 23 and how it perfectly represents Jesus and therefore also perfectly represents the Communion Table.

Communion Psalm 23
Verse 1 The Shepherd’s job was to protect the sheep.
• Jesus is of course The Shepherd, our Shepherd.
o And He has laid down His life for us, the sheep.
o To save us from the attacks of the enemy.
• The shepherd’s job was to lead the sheep to green pastures with fresh grass to eat.
o Jesus is the shepherd and he not only leads us; He becomes our sustenance.
o He is the Bread of Life.
Verse 2 Again, the shepherd was to lead the sheep to new pastures with fresh grass and clean water.
• This is a causative statement in the Hebrew.
• He makes us lay down, but does not force us.
o His provision, His grace, His care, His mercy are so great, we are left with no option
o But to lay down and rest in His provision and grace
• Jesus is also the living water the causes us to never thirst again.
Verse 3 The reality we do face this side of heaven, is that we do have an enemy in the devil.
• Jesus came to overcome the works of the devil and lead us into righteousness
• When we eat these Communion Elements, we become righteous.
o Not because we ate them. Not because there is something special about the bread and juice.
• But because of what Jesus did on our behalf on the cross.
Verse 4 The enemy held death over humanity.
• But we no longer have to fear death. Jesus overcame death when he arose from the grave.
• We also don’t have to fear evil.
Verse 5 Jesus prepares a table of abundance for us.
• This can speak of Jesus’ total care and provision for us.
o But this can also refer to this Communion Table.
• But here is the best part: He prepares this table right in front of the devil.
o The devil has to sit and watch Jesus prepare the table
o And he has to watch us eat from the table.
o Every time we eat from the Communion Table, we are reminded that the devil is defeated.
• But the devil also can’t touch this table or what is on the table unless we let him.
Verse 6 Jesus is Good, everything about Him is good, and everything He does is good.
o This Communion table reminds us of His goodness
• Jesus is also love; God is love.
o This Communion table screams of Jesus’ love for us.
• The goodness and love of God are constantly pursuing us!