July 28, 2019

Of Governments and Religion

Of Governments and Religion

In this passage we take a look at Jesus’ warning about the yeast of the Pharisees and of Herod. Jesus is talking about the world views of religion and government. Heeding this warning from Jesus will help us discern the times we are living in.

Of Governments and Religion (Mark 8:1-18)
Verses 1-3 This passage begins with Jesus noticing the people had nothing to eat from a place of compassion.
Verse 4 The disciples immediately begin to look for a natural solution.
Verse 5 Jesus calls their attention to what they do have.
Verse 6 Jesus tells them to take what they do have, sit down, and watch God do a miracle.
Verse 8 The miracle is complete, and the leftovers speak of God’s extravagant nature.
Verse 11-12 The Pharisees begin to give Jesus a hard time despite Him just performing a great miracle.
• They ask for a sign, they were blind to the sign that just happened, and had different expectations
o Sometimes we can’t see what God is doing if we have different expectations.
Verse 14 Isn’t interesting that they just fed four thousand people, and suddenly they have no bread.
Verse 15 The Pharisees and Herod represent two different World Views
• First, let’s ask why yeast? Why does Jesus make the analogy with yeast?
o The work of yeast is not obvious, especially at first
o But it is very pervasive, working through the whole batch of dough.
o And, there is also no way to undue the work of yeast.
• The two world views
• First, is that of the pharisees. This represents a religious world view
• Second, one is Herod which represents a governmental worldview
• Both world views have at their core a desire for control and influence over people.
o One wants to control in the name of God.
o The other wants to control people in the name of man or humanism
• But Jesus warns His disciples, and us, to watch out for how these world views will act like yeast in our society and our thinking.
Verse 16 The disciples only see this as a natural realm issue, “we have no bread”
• If we focus or worry about what we don’t have, we can’t see or understand with a Kingdom perspective.
Verse 17 How easy is it to fall prey to only seeing in the physical realm?
Verse 18 He invites them to remember what they have seen and heard.
• What Jesus did in the miracle of multiplying food and feeding 4000 people reveals the nature of God.
What should I do when facing a struggle or lack, need?
1. Remember what God has done.
2. Think super naturally
 Press toward getting to the place, where your first thought is super natural.
3. Resist thinking through the lens of Herod and the Pharisees.
4. Use your Spiritual gifts