Palm Sunday 2023: His Relentless Pursuit

Palm Sunday 2023: His Relentless Pursuit

Palm Sunday 2023: His Relentless Pursuit (Luke 19:28-42) Verses 28-29 There is a strong contrast in this section between the rejoicing of the crowd over Jesus’ entry and the lamenting and weeping of Jesus over the coming rejection of the people and the destruction of Jerusalem. Verse 30 Jesus’ confidence about the animal’s availability, location,...

His Relentless Pursuit

His Relentless Pursuit

  Palm Sunday 2022: His Relentless Pursuit (Luke 19:28) Verses 28-29 There is a strong contrast in this section between the rejoicing of the crowd over Jesus’ entry and the lamenting and weeping of Jesus over the coming rejection of the people and the destruction of Jerusalem. Verse 30 Jesus’ confidence about the animal’s availability,...

Jeusus’ relentless Love Pursuit

Jeusus’ relentless Love Pursuit

  Palm Sunday 2021: His Relentless Pursuit (Luke 19:28) Verses 28-29 There is a strong contrast in this section between the rejoicing of the crowd over Jesus’ entry and the lamenting and weeping of Jesus over the coming rejection of the people and the destruction of Jerusalem. Verse 30 Jesus’ confidence about the animal’s availability,...

Seek First: The Rocks Cry Out

Seek First: The Rocks Cry Out

Seek First: The Rocks Cry Out, The Strength of Praise Luke 19:28-29 During this time period the only way to atone for your sin was to make an animal sacrifice. • Take an animal and head to the Jerusalem, or buy the animal in Jerusalem. • We see all of that imagery here in this...