May 12, 2019

Seek First: Speak Blessings not Curses

Seek First: Speak Blessings not Curses


Words have great power. We were made in God’s image, and if we truly want to imitate him, we will use great care with our words and get in the habit of speaking blessings, not curses. The apostle Peter tells us that we should speak God’s words so that we advance Jesus’ kingdom, not Satan’s. The power of an angry or careless word can have long-lasting effects on people and even families, and be passed down from generation to generation. Thus, it’s important to bless the people around us. The book of Proverbs in the Bible also contains examples about how words can alter the destiny of a city or a person. Let’s examine our lives and repent of the times we have failed in blessing others. And let’s get help in getting set free when others, such as parents, have spoken condemning words that we carried around in our hearts for years.

Seek First: Speak Blessings not Curses
The Power of our Words (1 Peter 4:11)
If we are going to Seek First the Kingdom of God, then we need to speak like it.
• Our words carry great power to advance the Kingdom of God, or to advance the kingdom of satan.
• It starts by saying “If any one speaks,” You kind of get the feeling from that we shouldn’t talk too much.
o Similar to Proverbs 17:27-28.
If we are going to speak the very words of God then we need to understand how God speaks.
o Throughout scripture, particularly the OT, one of the ways God speaks is through blessing and cursing.
 His curing always comes in judgment. Example: Malachi 2:2
 And, since we don’t get to pass judgement like that, we don’t get to curse like that either.
What does the word “to bless” mean?
o There are many definitions to this Hebrew word: To be filled, filled with power
 Bestow power for success, prosperity, fertility, to give life
o When the Lord speaks blessings it for creation, health, abundance, prosperity, protection.
Example: Deut 7:12-15
• What does it look like for us to speak the very words of God in blessing?
o A great place to start is to study the Word of God
o Find the blessings that God has spoken and use them both as blessings and as prayers
 For example: Jeremiah 29:11
What kind of Fruit do we want to see from our words?
o Jesus called Peter a rock long before he was stable and mature.
o We can ask the Lord what kind of fruit does He want to see?
We must remember the power of our words
o Proverbs 11:11 Our words are so powerful that they can change the destiny of a city.
o Proverbs 18:21 Our tongue can bring life or death
o Speaking blessings has the power to transform a life.
o Speaking curses has the power to destroy a person
We must remember the duration of our words
• If you bless someone that can last for generations.
• But if you curse someone that can also last for generations.
• Yes, we should speak the truth in love as needed to bring correction.
o But not in ways that are condemning or shaming, cursing, etc.
Not just avoid curses but also slang: Eph 5:4; Eph 4:24; 2 Tim 2:16
1 Peter 4:11 end of verse this is another way we praise God. It’s a form of worship to speak the words of God and blessings over others.