Living Under the Favor of God

Living Under the Favor of God

Why is this important? To live under the favor of God. When we live under the favor of God, God protects and breathes life into our finances. When we live under God’s favor, he protects our health. When we live under the favor of God, He protects our possessions. Duet 29:5; Psalm 5:12 When we...

Living under the Favor of God

Living under the Favor of God

Living Under God’s Favor Why is this important? To live under the favor of God. When we live under the favor of God, God protects and breathes life into our finances. When we live under God’s favor, he protects our health. When we live under the favor of God, He protects our possessions. Duet 29:5;...

The Power of Life Death

The Power of Life Death

The power of life and death (proverbs 18:21) Proverbs 18:21 You will receive either good or evil according to the quality of your speech. You get what you speak, our words are that powerful. The power of God inhabits our Words. Deut 30:19 As in Proverbs 18:21 life and death are held in speech, blessings...

Seek First: His Presence

Seek First: His Presence

Everything we need is the found in the presence of God. Moses knew this. Chapter 33 of the book of Exodus contains some incredible comments by Moses, statements that serve us well as we seek to know God and encourage others in the 21st Century. Even though Moses already had an incredible and personal relationship...

Seek First: Rest and Sabbath

Seek First: Rest and Sabbath

  In the frantic pace of today’s society, the concept of rest sounds like a quaint antique. However, Sabbath rest is biblically fundamental to the kingdom of God. Sabbath rest is highlighted in the Ten Commandments, where God goes out of his way to remind us to “remember” the Sabbath. In the agricultural age of...

Seek First: Speak Blessings not Curses

Seek First: Speak Blessings not Curses

  Words have great power. We were made in God’s image, and if we truly want to imitate him, we will use great care with our words and get in the habit of speaking blessings, not curses. The apostle Peter tells us that we should speak God’s words so that we advance Jesus’ kingdom, not...