The tale of Two Kingdoms (John 10:10) Jesus starts by saying that the thief comes only to…. It’s actually the word from where we would get our English word Kleptomaniac. Definition of: Kleptomania: Impulse control disorder that involves the repeated impulse to steal for no great gain, when the perpetrator has sufficient money to pay...
Sermon Tag: Satan
Be Not unaware of his Schemes
Be Not Unaware of his Schemes In 2 Cor 2-11 Paul makes this statement, “in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.” This is our starting point Daniel 10:1-15 Notice it says that from the first day that Daniel began to pray and seek the Lord...
Behind Enemy Lines
Behind Enemy Lines Mark 1:21-24 A man with a demon is the only one to recognize Jesus for who He is. The people also didn’t seem to mind or care that a demon was in the synagogue. The demon spoke up to cause a distraction and take attention away from Jesus. John 10:10 This...