Palm Sunday: Your Greatest Strength is Praise

Palm Sunday: Your Greatest Strength is Praise

Palm Sunday 2018 The Strength of Praise (Luke 19:42 & Matt 21) • During this time period the only way to atone for your sin was to make an animal sacrifice. • We see all of that imagery here in this scene. Jesus the sacrificial lamb in on His way to Jerusalem. Verse 30 Jesus’...

The Costliness of Preparing for Worship

The Costliness of Preparing for Worship

Preparing for Worship Preparing for Worship 2 Sam 24:18-25 • This story starts earlier in the chapter with David sinning against the Lord by taking a census of his army. o Then the Lord speaks through the prophet Gad and sends three options for judgement. • Then we see this scene of worship. What do...

Winning the War for Your Mind Part IV: From Christ’s Victory

Winning the War for Your Mind Part IV: From Christ’s Victory

Sorry for the poor audio quality Winning the War for Our Mind Part IV From Jesus’ Victory (Luke 4:4-14 Isa 61:1-3) • Luke 4:14 Jesus is saying that all these prophecies from Isaiah are now fulfilled in Him. o So, everything promised in this statement from Isa is now true in the person of Jesus....

Staying Down Deep

Staying Down Deep

When I was a kid, I used to try and sit with my legs crossed at the bottom of the pool.  My cousins and I would pretend we were having a tea party down there. It never worked though.  I would get frustrated as we would float back up to the surface of the water;...

Roots Which Hold Tight

Roots Which Hold Tight

Tree roots are fascinating to me. How do they hold onto the ground? It is just dirt!  Most my thoughts of dirt revolve around gardening, potting soil, puling weeds out of the ground, dirt falling through my fingers, and well… mud!  None of these aspects of dirt appear to me to be strong. Yet trees,...

Winning the War for Your Mind Part 3:Temptations

Winning the War for Your Mind Part 3:Temptations

Winning the War for Your Mind Pt III Temptations (1 Cor 10:13, Proverbs) 1Cor 10:13 Three things to see here. • First, Whatever temptation has come against us, it’s common to being human. • Second, God will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear.  Doesn’t mean we won’t fail and give...