It’s Not My Job: It’s my Testimony
Matt 28:18-20 These were Jesus’ final words to His disciples.
• He commissioned His disciples to go and spread the news of His love and sacrifice to the world.
• Even many of Jesus’ parables were stories around the idea of sharing our faith.
This passage in Colossians can help us share our faith
Verse 22 How does remembering this help us in sharing our faith?
• The eyes of those that don’t believe in Jesus are always on us.
o If we take the attitude of the world, “it’s not my job” we lose our witness
• “but with sincerity of heart” This could be translated as “with singleness of heart”
o When we are sold out for Jesus, people will notice that as authentic.
The world is looking for something believable and authentic.
• and reverence for the Lord. I take my eyes off of the work and focus on Jesus and His glory.
• Apply this to sharing the Good News of Jesus.
o I suddenly need to be a lot less concerned with what I am going to say or how I am going to say it.
o It’s easy to think that sharing my faith is something I have to work myself up for.
Get all geared up for it.
o But when our eyes are always on Jesus, it will just start to flow naturally.
Verse 23 As we allow ourselves to be overcome with reverence and awe, and work from the soul.
• When I share my faith from this same place of reverence and awe, from the soul.
My testimony becomes super naturally powerful.
Verse 24 Part of the inheritance we receive is our brothers and sister in the Lord.
Now let’s take this “it’s not my job” and switch it the other direction for a minute.
• It’s also not our job to get someone to believe, to come to faith in Jesus.
o Only the Holy Spirit can do that.
o This takes a lot of pressure and stress off of us.
Getting practical: The 30 second rule
• “Can you imagine Jesus living His life without margins? What if he was so focused on His end-goal that all He wanted to do was come to earth, die, and rise again as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible? Instead we see Jesus purposefully meandering to the cross. In hindsight it is easy to see how Jesus’ journey with the uncontrolled-by-Jesus, unplanned-by-Jesus, things that happened along the way were an important part of His mission.” ~ Rick Bergren
• We need to slow down enough to actually reflect Christ to the people around us.
o Slow down enough to see what God is doing around me.
• Practicing this 30 second rule can be a great way to slow down enough to notice what God is doing.