To the Nations and the Neighbors (2024)

To the Nations and the Neighbors (2024)

To the Nations and the Neighbors (2024) After Jesus finished His work on earth, right before he departed, He gave His disciples the Great Commission. A command to take this Gospel message to the whole world. We see this basic command in all three synoptic Gospels Matt, Mark, & Luke Matt 28:18,; Mark 16:15 ;...

On Mission with God, Being sent ones

On Mission with God, Being sent ones

On Mission with God: Being Sent Ones (Luke 10:1 and Acts 2) Matt 28:18 This passages remined us that Jesus has all authority in even and on earth. His mission cannot fail. Then by implication Jesus gives us that authority and tells us to Go! This wasn’t a casual suggestion. This was a command. This...

The call of the Kingdom

The call of the Kingdom

  The call of the Kingdom  (Matt 11:16-19) Verse 11 Many of Jesus’ parables start with something like. What is the kingdom of God like? What shall I compare it to?  Jesus was always trying to find a way to help the people understand what the Kingdom of God is like. Here he tries to...

Pentecost and the Mission of God

Pentecost and the Mission of God

  In this first part of the message Pastor Tim speaks briefly from Acts 2:5-8 and Revelations 7:9-10 and the significance of Pentecost being for every nation. Then Missionary Karla speaks about her work in the African nation of Senegal.

Being Kingdom People

Being Kingdom People

Being Kingdom People In this episode Being Kingdom People we explore the idea that the church is to be from every tribe, language, people and nation. The mandate to be Kingdom People We start by discussing Revelations 5:9-10 and the mandate that the church on earth is to be every tribe, language, people and nation....

Stories from the Mission Field: Counting the Cost

Stories from the Mission Field: Counting the Cost

Stories from the Mission field: Counting the Cost In this episode Stories from the Mission field Counting the Cost we discuss the expectations and costs for going on the mission field. What expectations should someone have before heading to the mission field. And then of course are the costs to having an experience on the...

Pentecost and the Color of the kingdom

Pentecost and the Color of the kingdom

Pentecost and the Color of the kingdom In this message we explore Pentecost and the color of the Kingdom. When the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost it was for all the nations on earth. (This message was recorded outside so there is some extra back ground noise) Revelations 5:7-10   Rev 5:8 This is all...

Stories from the Mission Field

Stories from the Mission Field

Stories from the mission field. In this episode Alana ask Tim to share some stories from the mission field. Tim has traveled to Africa to do mission work now many times over the past several years. Over the course of those trips Tim has accumulated many stories.  Some he can share and some he can’t....

On Mission with God: To the Nations and the Neighbors

On Mission with God: To the Nations and the Neighbors

On Mission with God: To the Nations and the Neighbors (Rev 5:8-10) • Matt, Mark, & Luke all have the same basic command from Jesus to be on mission and take the Gospel to all nations. • These passages are generally referred to as the Great Commission. Acts 2:5 God saw fit to have every...

Let God Be on Mission in You: Growing in the Desert Season

Let God Be on Mission in You: Growing in the Desert Season

Let God be on Mission in You: Growing in the Desert (Matt 4:-11) • The Lord wants to grow us to be more like Him and one of the primary ways He does that is through a wilderness or desert experience. o Desert seasons are also often very long, sometimes years. • All three Gospels...

On Mission with God: Serving as the Gospel

On Mission with God: Serving as the Gospel

On Mission with God: Serving and Compassion (Matt 20:24, John 13:12) • Matt 20:26 The context here is that the mother of Zebedee’s sons came asked for her sons to sit at the sides of Jesus. Then the other ten disciples get made about this. • In the Greek Jesus actually states this very emphatically,...

On Mission with God: All In

On Mission with God: All In

In Luke 9 Jesus says that those that want to follow Him will have to deny themselves and take up their cross daily. In this message we explore what that means and how it relates to being on Mission with God. On Mission with God: All In (Luke Chapter 9) Verse 18 Jesus is trying...

On Mission With God: Immanuel

On Mission With God: Immanuel

On Mission with God: Immanuel • Isa 7:14 This Hebrew name occurs three times in the OT with two times being in Isa 7 & 8 • The name implies that Jesus is leaving heaven and coming to be with us here on earth. The structure of the name: The name is really made up...

On Mission With God: Destroying the Devil’s Work

On Mission With God: Destroying the Devil’s Work

On Mission with God: Destroying the works of the Devil • 1 John 3:8 The context here is sin, John it telling his readers that you can’t continue in a life of sin. • But the work of the devil is the source of sin. o Jesus came to destroy all the works of the...

On Mission with God: Suffering and Sacrifice

On Mission with God: Suffering and Sacrifice

On Mission with God: Suffering and Sacrifice (Hebrews10:32; Phil 1:29; 1 Peter 4:12) • Throughout Jesus’ ministry, He warns His disciple that He would have to suffer and die as a sacrifice. o Jesus also tells His disciples that no student is above their teacher o Jesus warns all who would comer after Him they...

On Mission with God: Being Sent Ones

On Mission with God: Being Sent Ones

On Mission with God: Being Sent Ones (Luke10:1 and Acts 2-3) • Again, and again Jesus gives the command to go! o Matt 28:18-20 o Many of Jesus’ parables give us insight into what the mission will look like. Luke 10:1 Jesus is commissioning and sending out the 72, expanding His mission team from 12...

On Mission with God: Empowered

On Mission with God: Empowered

On Mission with God: Empowered (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:1-8) Luke 24:49 Jesus told His disciples to stay in the city until they received the Holy Spirit, power from on high. • He starts out by saying “stay here.” In Greek, it’s actually the verb “to sit.” o The verb is also in the active form....

On Mission with God: Praying toward the Mission

On Mission with God: Praying toward the Mission

On Mission with God Praying toward the Mission (Acts 4:23-31) • We cannot be on mission with God as the primary purpose of the church without prayer. • The specifics, the wisdom, of how we are going to walk out this mission are going to come through prayer. o The power and empowerment for this...

On Mission with God: Discovering the Primary Purpose of the Church

On Mission with God: Discovering the Primary Purpose of the Church

On Mission with God Discovering the primary purpose of the Church • Since the moment Adam and Eve fell in the garden God has been on a mission, the missio dei o That mission has been to restore the relationship between mankind and God Himself. o In the OT era God’s mission was primarily seen...

Seek First: The Justice of the Kingdom

Seek First: The Justice of the Kingdom

There is no getting around it – God is concerned about justice for those who have no voice. Justice was a major part of Jesus’ ministry as well. In fact, the word “justice” is used 130 times in the NIV translation of the Bible. Jesus saved some of his harshest words for the religious leaders...