Sometimes it’s really easy to complain about our jobs. At times it’s even easy to fall into the “it’s not my job” attitude. But in Colossians 3 Paul gives us a great way to see our work from a whole different perspective. To such a degree our jobs, how we serve and volunteer, even lead our families, should actually bring us peace and joy. This passage has huge implication for everyday life and work. And the best part is, it’s not based on us working harder or trying harder, it starts with Jesus and end with Jesus. Find out how.
It’s Not My Job: It’s my worship (Colossians 3:22-24)
Verse 22 Paul is addressing the connection between the freedom granted in Christ and man induced bondage or slavery. If I am free in Christ, am I still bond to be a slave?
• If this is a command that Paul gives a slave, how much more important is it for someone who works freely?
• The word “slave” used here is the Greek word doulos. Its primary meaning is slave or bondservant
o Can also mean, one who gives himself up to another’s will, devoted to another to the disregard of one’s own interest.
o In Matt 20:27 Jesus uses this same word. and whoever wants to be first must be your slave—
• but with sincerity of heart This could be translated as “with singleness of heart”
o In other words, we don’t have a divided heart or duplicity.
• The word reverence in the Greek is actually a verb.
o The verb is in the passive form. Which means it is happening to us.
o The verb also is in an ongoing form. So, this isn’t a onetime thing.
• Which means God is always available and present for us to revere.
Verse 23 In the Greek it’s not the word heart, it’s the word psuche, which means the inner self.
• DNLT 23 Whatever you do, be working from the soul as for the Lord and not for people,
• I can’t engage work at a soul level, if I simply try harder.
o I can only engage work at a soul level, if I engage with the Lord in my work.
Verse 24 There are at least three things going on here.
• First, freedom in Christ does not free us from earthly toil,
• Second, there is implied the sense of judgment (withholding of reward)
• Third, He sees what no one else does.
Verse 25 The no favoritism comment shows that there is no special favor given by God, just because your job stinks. Special favor is only granted through obedience to serve the Lord with your soul.
Why does Paul give us this command to do our best?
1. It’s another form of worship
2. We honor the Lord and His work in us.
3. A lost and dying world is watching us, looking for integrity
4. We will serve before kings and in high places (Proverbs 22:29)
5. Fire always falls on sacrifice.
How do I go about all of this? Do I just try harder? Of course the answer is no.
1. I must understand that the Lord is already working in me. (Col 1:29)
2. I can only engage work at a soul level, if I engage with the Lord in my work. (reverence)
3. Sabbath rest is another key to being able to always do your best.
What this is not, it’s not perfectionism, because that’s idolatry