January 12, 2025

Servanthood 2025

Servanthood 2025

Servanthood (Acts 6:1 and John 13:12-17)

Acts 6:1 The Greek word translated here as “increasing” should really be Multiplying.

  • This was fast growth. In fact, the NLT translation has, “But as the believers rapidly multiplied,”
    • There is also the accusation of favoritism.
  • This first verse explains what some of the activity of the early church looked like, feeding widows.
    • While the church was growing rapidly, more people were not stepping up and serving.

Verse 2 By starting this verse with “The twelve” it become clear that the original 12 Disciples were still the ones doing the serving.

  • The 12 Disciples quickly realize what the real problem was, not enough people to serve.
    • They give no attention to the accusation of favoritism or
    • They instead go on to appoint seven men to do the task of serving the food.
  • I love what the end of this verse says. “It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables.

But why here in this scene in Acts were there not enough people serving?

  • It’s an important to note that the author Luke pointed it was the Hellenistic Jews who were the ones complaining.
    • Hellenistic Jews were people who practiced the Jewish faith but while still holding on to their Greek Culture and tradition. That’s what the name and term Hellenistic implies.
      • They were not native-born Jews.
      • They held on to their Greek culture to such an extent that this is how they became known.
    • They had converted to a form of Judaism, but they had not fully given themselves to God and were still holding on to their Greek Culture and traditions.
      • A form of syncretism.
    • It’s the Hellenistic believers that are the one complaining that their widows were not being served, yet they didn’t offer to help with the serving.
    • So what do we do? John 13:12
    • Jesus washes the feet of His disciples.
    • This task was usually reserved for the lowest person in the household.

Verse 15 Jesus says he has set an example for us

  • Go against Culture, of the lowest slave or servant being the only one to wash feet.
  • Mark 10:45
  • Romans 12:6
  • 1 Cor 12:28
  • Eph 6:7; 1 Peter 4:10; Col 3: 23

“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.”
― Tagore