The Heart of Worship (With Communion Message)

The Heart of Worship (With Communion Message)

The Heart of Worship (Physical posture as worship) • In Matt 14 after Jesus clams the storm, it says “they worshipped Him.” • The word ‘worshipped’ here means: to fall down, to kneel, to bow down, fall at the feet of another, to prostrate oneself. It can even mean to kiss the hand of. o...

On Mission with God: To the Nations and the Neighbors

On Mission with God: To the Nations and the Neighbors

On Mission with God: To the Nations and the Neighbors (Rev 5:8-10) • Matt, Mark, & Luke all have the same basic command from Jesus to be on mission and take the Gospel to all nations. • These passages are generally referred to as the Great Commission. Acts 2:5 God saw fit to have every...

Let God Be on Mission in You: Growing in the Desert Season

Let God Be on Mission in You: Growing in the Desert Season

Let God be on Mission in You: Growing in the Desert (Matt 4:-11) • The Lord wants to grow us to be more like Him and one of the primary ways He does that is through a wilderness or desert experience. o Desert seasons are also often very long, sometimes years. • All three Gospels...

On Mission with God: Serving as the Gospel

On Mission with God: Serving as the Gospel

On Mission with God: Serving and Compassion (Matt 20:24, John 13:12) • Matt 20:26 The context here is that the mother of Zebedee’s sons came asked for her sons to sit at the sides of Jesus. Then the other ten disciples get made about this. • In the Greek Jesus actually states this very emphatically,...

On Mission with God: All In

On Mission with God: All In

In Luke 9 Jesus says that those that want to follow Him will have to deny themselves and take up their cross daily. In this message we explore what that means and how it relates to being on Mission with God. On Mission with God: All In (Luke Chapter 9) Verse 18 Jesus is trying...

On Mission With God: Immanuel

On Mission With God: Immanuel

On Mission with God: Immanuel • Isa 7:14 This Hebrew name occurs three times in the OT with two times being in Isa 7 & 8 • The name implies that Jesus is leaving heaven and coming to be with us here on earth. The structure of the name: The name is really made up...

On Mission With God: Destroying the Devil’s Work

On Mission With God: Destroying the Devil’s Work

On Mission with God: Destroying the works of the Devil • 1 John 3:8 The context here is sin, John it telling his readers that you can’t continue in a life of sin. • But the work of the devil is the source of sin. o Jesus came to destroy all the works of the...

On Mission with God: Being Sent Ones

On Mission with God: Being Sent Ones

On Mission with God: Being Sent Ones (Luke10:1 and Acts 2-3) • Again, and again Jesus gives the command to go! o Matt 28:18-20 o Many of Jesus’ parables give us insight into what the mission will look like. Luke 10:1 Jesus is commissioning and sending out the 72, expanding His mission team from 12...

A Life Worth Following Pt 2

A Life Worth Following Pt 2

A Life Worth Following Part 2 1 Cor 11:1; 2 Cor 1:8-9 • From this statement, Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ, we saw three key issues. o First, the quality of Paul’s life, the worthiness to be followed. o Second, there is an invitation. “Follow me” A deliberate invitation. o...

It’s Not My Job: It’s My Testimony

It’s Not My Job: It’s My Testimony

It’s Not My Job: It’s my Testimony Matt 28:18-20 These were Jesus’ final words to His disciples. • He commissioned His disciples to go and spread the news of His love and sacrifice to the world. • Even many of Jesus’ parables were stories around the idea of sharing our faith. This passage in Colossians...

It’s Not My Job

It’s Not My Job

Sometimes it’s really easy to complain about our jobs. At times it’s even easy to fall into the “it’s not my job” attitude. But in Colossians 3 Paul gives us a great way to see our work from a whole different perspective. To such a degree our jobs, how we serve and volunteer, even lead...

My House Shall Be Called A House of Prayer

My House Shall Be Called A House of Prayer

  My House Shall Be Called A House of Prayer. This scene comes during the Palm Sunday entry into Jerusalem. After Jesus comes riding into the city with everyone cheering and singing praises there is this little verse where Jesus goes into the Temple and looks around. Verses:12-14 He curses the fig tree and a...