October 6, 2019

A Life Worth Following Pt 2

A Life Worth Following Pt 2

A Life Worth Following Part 2 1 Cor 11:1; 2 Cor 1:8-9
• From this statement, Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ, we saw three key issues.
o First, the quality of Paul’s life, the worthiness to be followed.
o Second, there is an invitation. “Follow me” A deliberate invitation.
o Third, it is Christ that we are following and inviting others to follow. Jesus first
• Picking up with the Third, it is Christ we are following and inviting others to follow.
• This is also the antidote to the notion that this is self-serving.
o If we are in fact following Christ first and foremost, we won’t make this about ourselves.
• Following Jesus, having Jesus first is internal and external.
o It’s having a deep spiritual life.
o But also acting on our faith and living it out with action.
• Following Jesus first will also come with sacrifice, service, and suffering.
Now Let’s ask the why question, why did Paul have to suffer so much and go through such great difficulties?
2 Cor 1:8-9 If our life is all about comfort and ease, will we ever really learn to trust God?
o If we can get out of every difficult situation with our own strength, will we ever get to see God work?
• This is also where we can say to others following us, I have been through that dark valley and I can confidently say that God will meet you there.
• Paul takes the fact that he thought he might die, and focuses on the fact that God can raise the dead.
o Whatever our hardship or struggle is, we can focus on the fact that God overcomes that.
• One end result of Paul going through all of these difficulties was that he grew in faith and trust.
o He learned to trust God at deeper levels. Christ was formed in him.
How can we respond to this command of Paul’s? Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ,
• We simply flip these three issues we just looked at. Put the last one first.
First, we start with a focus on following Christ with everything we have.
Second, live a life worth following. This naturally flows out of the first.
o Some practical suggestions:
o Take more risks for the Kingdom. Matt 10 heal the sick, cleanse the leper, cast out demons
o Make time, a life worth following has to have time in it for the followers
o Ask Jesus, what I am supposed to be doing to be worth following.
Third, invite someone to follow you. Be deliberate about this. It won’t happen by chance.
Who should I follow, where do I find them?
• Living a life worth following might not be obvious on the surface.
o The person who is in the spotlight is no more worthy of being followed than the person who faithfully and sacrificially serves in the background. So also look for people behind the scenes.
o Follow people with a similar gift mix.