On Mission with God: Suffering and Sacrifice (Hebrews10:32; Phil 1:29; 1 Peter 4:12)
• Throughout Jesus’ ministry, He warns His disciple that He would have to suffer and die as a sacrifice.
o Jesus also tells His disciples that no student is above their teacher
o Jesus warns all who would comer after Him they too would suffer. Luke 9:22-24
Hebrews 10:32 The writer is asking them to remember when they were first saved.
• The book of Hebrews was written to believers where being tempted to revert back to Judaism because of growing persecution against Christians.
o So, Paul is urging them to remember how on fire they were when they first were saved.
Verse 33 The writer gives some details as to the suffering they had endured.
Verse 34 Those in prison are presumably other believers who have gone to prison for their faith.
• But then look at this statement. “and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property,”
o They didn’t protest it or resist it, they joyfully accepted it.
• Why were they able to do this?
o because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions.
o Even as new believers they had good theology.
• These things were happening to them because they were actively making Jesus known.
o If they had kept quiet, and kept to themselves, these things wouldn’t be happening.
Verses 35-36 The first word here means: to cast off as in clothing; or to lose courage. (the one meant here)
• The second word means openness, frankness or freedom in speaking.
o So, you could translate this as, “do not lose courage in speaking” …. about Christ
Phil 1:29 Paul takes the idea of suffering and put it in a whole new perspective.
• He puts suffering on par with being saved.
• But the way he stated it, it has been granted by Christ not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for him
o This word translated as “granted” means: To grant or bestow
But it also means to deal generously or graciously with
• In other words, Christ is dealing generously or graciously with us as He grants us salvation & suffering.
1 Peter 4:12 Peter also talks to us about suffering. He reminds his readers and us to not be surprised by it.
• He is normalizing the idea of suffering.
Verse 13 We are to rejoice when we share in the sufferings of Christ.
• Present active. So, the rejoicing is on us. Something active on our part.
• When we chose to rejoice in suffering for Christ the end result is, we get exceeding joy when Christ is revealed. This probably refers to both now and in the future.
Verse 14 If we are insulted for being a follow of Jesus. We are blessed.
o The Spirit of Glory rests on us and The Spirit of God rests on us.