February 17, 2025

Opposite Kingdom

Opposite Kingdom

Opposite Kingdom Mark 2:13-17 

Verse 13 Jesus had a habit of teaching near a lake. Most scholar believe this was the sea of Galilee.

  • This is very early in Jesus’ ministry.
  • So far, the Book of mark has been one miracle after another.
  • Jesus also ruffled some feathers when he announced the paralytic man’s sins forgiven.
  • So, this large crowd is people who have seen what Jesus has been doing and are curious to see what else he will do.

Verse 14 Jesus now calls a disciple.

  • The important detail here is that Levi was sitting at the Tax collector’s booth.
  • The tax collectors were often despised because they would not only search the goods being sold or transported, but they would also search the personal belongings of the merchant or carrier.
  • Two very interesting things to note here.
    • First, of all the people in this large crowd for Jesus to choose for a disciple. He chose a despised tax collector.
    • Second, despite this being a very lucrative career. Levi quickly leaves and follows Jesus.
  • This shows the opposite nature of the Kingdom.

Verse 15 Levi quickly arranges a dinner party for Jesus and many other people.

  • As a tax collector Levi would have had the means to do this.
  • We see a similar scene in Luke 7:37-39.

Verse 16 These were teachers of the law who were of the Pharisee theological stream.

  • Mark adds this detail so we know where they are coming from theologically.
    • This term teachers of the Pharisees was used to refer to the educated of the Pharisees.
    • These were the most authoritative and educated of the Pharisees.
  • The Pharisees assume that Jesus will share that value. But Jesus’s kingdom is the opposite of this value.

Verse 17 Whether or not the Pharisees asked this question out loud, Jesus address their complaint in front of everyone.

  • His comments are not just directed at the Pharisee.
  • Remember the Crowd is full of other kinds of sinners and curiosity seekers.
  • Jesus wants them all to know His Kingdom is for them.

What of this passage can we apply to the church today? 

  1. There should be sick people present in the church.
  2. There should be lots of healings and miracles.
  3. There should be people getting called to follow Jesus.
  4. There should be people leaving behind the things of the world.
  5. Sins should be forgiven
  6. There should be parties for sinners.


Here is the thing. A church full of sick people can be a hard place to be. It can be very draining. We must remember that we can’t fix or heal any of them. We must let Jesus do it.

“It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”