August 4, 2024

The Mercy of Justice 2024

The Mercy of Justice 2024

The Mercy of Justice 2024 (Micah 6:8 and John 8)

Micah 6:8 The Israelites always tried to make it more difficult and complicated than it needed to.

  • Starting here in verse 8 God is boiling down to what is required in real simple terms for the people.
  • This word from the Lord through Micah is as much for our day as it was for theirs.
  • Now the next phrase, “To act justly and to love mercy”
    • The sense is of us acting in ways of justice. “doing justice”
  • Now often in our day, we tend to think of justice in terms of judicial: courts, judges, lawyers…. the courts system.
    • But this is not necessarily justice.
  • “We don’t live in a system of justice in the USA.”
    • We live in a system of rule of law. And there is a big difference.
  • In a system of rule of law the laws are not always just.
    • Because the laws were created by politicians, who were just trying to be politically expedient.
    • And our system is also not always just because the law is often applied unfairly.
  • I think it might help to look at the next word used in this phrase…”and to love mercy”
    • we don’t’ seek to act justly in isolation. We do it while loving mercy. See Hosea 6:6
    • So, for us, our justice, needs to be informed by mercy, not laws or rules.
  • But honestly, we probably can’t do that until We first love the Mercy of Jesus.
  • Biblical example: John 8: 2 Notice what the teachers of the law and Pharisees say about the woman.
    • They are taking a rule of law approach.
    • They made her stand before the group; they are also taking a shame-based approach.
    • This is a perfect picture of how we do things in our world today.
    • We use a rule of law and introduce shame if we can.
  • In this scene here in John 8 Jesus doesn’t fall for their trap but responds with mercy and restoration.
    • Jesus does not demand that the law of Moses be enforced.
  • So, in our day, how do we act justly and love mercy?
    • First, A good place to start is by falling in Love with Jesus’ mercy.
    • Second, put away shame. Stop the shame.
    • Third, Fight racism and discrimination every way you can.
    • Fourth, serve others who could never repay you or thank you enough. Single moms, widows, orphans.
      • See Isaiah 1:17
    • Now let’s look at the last phrase in Micah 6:8:and to walk humbly with your God.”
    • This call to walk humbly before the Lord comes from the complaints that the Lord had against them.
      • They showed the Lord no respect or holy fear.
    • This command to walk humbly could be thought of as, fear the Lord and be Holy before Him.
    • This command to walk Humbly before God is a lot easier when we realize this it is just walking in friendship with Jesus.

To show you this is not a stand-alone proof text also look at Hosea 6:6; Isiah 1:17 and Psalm 82:3.