The new way of Love
Turn to John 13:34
- This is a command straight from the mouth of ___________.
- What is this new commandment?
- _____________________
- So agape love is where I love you because I see the ___________ God has put in you.
- The world can’t separate love from the _____________.
- As Christians we must recapture ________________ rooted in God given value.
- So, what does this look like to love others?
- We are to love, __________________
- Our love must look just like the love of ______________.
Verse 35 Not only are we to love others well for the sake of the other.
- We are to love others well so that the World can see Jesus in us.
- If I love others well, then My identity becomes that of a____________.
- Loving well leads to better understanding of personal _______________.
- There are a lot of things Jesus could have told us to be known for, but he chose________.
- God is a god of love, and we are made in His image. So, it is love that will transform us back into his image and_________.
- What are some things we would need to know about loving others well?
- First, we must be led by Jesus in this.
- Second, this will be hard.
- Third, this might be messy
God has put ________ in each person. And their sin or mistakes don’t take away that value. So, we can _________ people simply for the value God has put in them.