November 12, 2023

Authority and Obedience

Authority and Obedience

Authority and Obedience

  • An important part of the Kingdom advancing on earth is by using kingdom authority.
  • Genesis 1:28 After God created man, Adam, he told Adam to subdue the earth and everything in it.
  • The main meaning behind the Hebrew word translated as subdue is to have dominion.
    • The Webster dictionary defines dominion as supreme authority or sovereignty.
  • In Genesis 1:28 God tells Adam you have authority over all of the earth and everything in it.
    • This idea of authority goes all the way back to Adan and Eve.
    • This authority or dominion was supposed to remain with mankind forever.
    • That’s how the authority would remain on earth, through descendants.
  • But then Adam and Eve disobey God and eat from the forbidden fruit. Disobedience.
  • As a result of their disobedience God cursed the earth.
  • This caused both Adam and Eve and all of mankind to lose this authority.

Genesis 3:17-18 Adam was to have dominion over the earth and now the earth will work against him and produce thorns and thistles.

  • Many other forms of hardship entered the world: Storms, Pests, disease, and other forms of malice entered the earth
  • Jesus came to earth to set mankind free from sin and the death penalty.
  • But Jesus also came to earth to win back authority for mankind.
  • Luke 22:41-44 In his moment of absolute anguish Jesus remined obedient to His Father’s will not His own desire. He did what the first Adam could not.
  • This obedience took Him to the cross, to win our freedom from sin and death but also restore our authority.
  • Matt 28: 18-19 This scene takes place after his death and resurrection. After his obedience.
  • Jesus says that all authority in heaven and on earth have been given to Him.
    • Divine passive. The authority was placed on Him by the father.
    • The authority that was once with Adam, is now with Jesus. Jesus restored what Adam lost.
  • Then verse 19 has an important “therefore.”
  • The therefore implied that Jesus is passing that authority back to us His disciples.
    • Jesus is now restoring that authority to all of mankind.
  • But now comes that obedience factor for us.
  • Our obedience is to “go make disciples of all nations.”

Now we can ask the question: why is authority so important?

  1. Kingdom authority is the key to seeing the nations come to Jesus.
  2. The miracles we all want to see our rooted in authority.
    1. Matt 10:1; Luke 9:1; Luke 10:19; Mark 6:7
    2. Being sent out with authority.
    3. Every single time we see Jesus send out His disciples, he starts by giving them authority.
  • We also see this idea of obedience in the next verse of the Matt 28, verse 20 teaching obedience.