December 4, 2023

Authority in Practice

Authority in Practice

Authority in Practice  

Matt 10:1 Jesus gives His disciples authority and told them to use that authority to drive out impure spirits.

  • And to heal diseases and sickness.

Luke 9:1 Here Jesus gives them authority to drive out ALL demons.

  • And to cure diseases.

Mark 6:7 Here Mark only mentions impure spirits or demons.

  • Notice all three passages where Jesus commissions His disciples he mentions evil spirits or demons.
  • Do you think Jesus wanted us to get this and focus on this?

look at their results:
Luke 9:6 So they set out and went from village to village, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere.

One more thing related to this idea of authority.

Matt 10:7 Notice it does not say pray for the sick.

  • Jesus did not tell them to pray for the sick. He told them to heal the sick. Authority in practice.

Luke 10:8 Again, Jesus did not say to pray for the sick. He said to heal the sick.

  • Both the Matt 10 and the Luke 10 passage are tied to walking in authority.

Jesus’ authority over evil spirits.

Mark 1:23 Jesus just spoke a few words. “Be Quite” and “Come out of Him.”

  • This shows authority. Jesus gave all his disciples this same kind of authority.

Mark 4:39 Again, just a few words.

  • Remember in all of this Jesus is demonstrating what is possible for us.

Mark 5:11 The demons deliver themselves. Do you see that?

  • Jesus just gives them permission.

How Jesus healed the sick.

Mark 1:31 Here Jesus doesn’t even say anything.

  • He simply allows the authority on Him to be greater than the sickness on her.

Mark 1:40 Here Jesus touches the man. Remember how contagious leprosy was.

  • And then simply said “be clean.” A two-word command.

Mark 2:9 Notice Jesus mentions His authority, but only in relation to forgiving sins.

  • Then Jesus does not even address the sickness or the man’s paralysis.
  • Jesus simply tells the man to get up and go home. This is authority in practice.

Mark 3:1 & Mark 3:5 Again, Jesus does not address the sickness or the paralysis.

  • He simply told the man to stretch out His hand.

Putting it all together:

  • Many of these healing passages and even some of the deliverance passages were just one or two words.
    • We call these command prayers.
  • We tend to pray, “Oh God, if you are out there anywhere, please come and heal.”
    • That prayer not only lacks authority, but it also lacks faith.
  • Now, we are most certainly not commanding God. DO NOT Command God!
  • We are to Command the sickness or pain and evil spirits.
  • Remember all those commissioning passages we looked at? Jesus gave us authority over sickness and evil spirits.
    • That’s what we have authority to command.
  • That’s also why I started this series by showing you that our authority goes all the way back to the garden of Eden.
  • God gave Adam supreme authority over the earth.
    • But also remember we are made from earth. Therefore, our authority extends to our bodies.
  • We can speak in authority to our bodies, because it is made of earth.
  • Jesus restored to us the authority that Adam had.