June 23, 2024

Holiness or Rules and Laws

Holiness or Rules and Laws

Holiness or rules and Laws.  (Colossians 2 & 3)

Colossians 2:12 This refers to Christian baptism.

  • When you go under the water you are dying to everything, your old life, your sins, etc.

Verse 13 Paul is speaking to Christian’s believers here.

  • He is making a sharp contrast between their pre-Christian past and their present position with Christ.
  • His reference to their “uncircumcision” here refers to their spiritual alienation from God.
    • Paul is writing to gentiles Christians not Jews so he is not referring to physical circumcision.

Verse 14 Jesus has not only canceled the debt; but he has also destroyed the document on which it was written down.

  • The Greek language Paul uses here refers to “a note of indebtedness.”
    • This was a hand written note for proof of a dept.
  • The “regulations” (NIV) or “legal demands” (ESV) was death. Jesus took it away, nailed it to the cross.

Verse 15 The statement here, “powers, and authorities” refers to Satan and his band of thugs.

  • Our dept has been canceled and in so doing God has taken away their ammunition.
  • Jesus even made a “public spectacle” of the devil.
  • The Greek words behind this expression means to expose. He exposed the devils lies.
  • The things that the devil was holding over us, Jesus exposed as lies.

Colossians 2:20 This is referring to verse 12 where it says that we were buried or died to ourselves. Baptism.

  • The expression “basic elements of this world” refers to the “powers and authorities” of verse 15.
  • Paul is not talking about the Jewish law, ten commandments, but man-made rules
  • Paul is suggestion here is that these “rules” are products of the “powers and authorities.”
  • The “rules” they were following are made by the “demonic powers” and “authorities.”

Verse 21 It appears that Paul was referring to some regulations concerning food. Food laws.

  • Perhaps this was related to eating food sacrificed to idols.

Verse 22 Paul is further driving home the point of this being man-made rules.

  • The church still today loves to come up with lots of man-made rules. Often disguised as traditions and culture.

Verse 23 The rule and laws they have been following lack value in restraining true sin.

  • Getting caught up in following these man-made rules can negatively affect sour ability to be truly holy.
  • These man-made rules end up taking our attention off Christ.

Chapter 3:1-8 Set our hearts on things above where Christ is in all his glory.

  • Not on self or rules and Laws.

Verse 2 Then it says to set our mind on things above.

  • So our both intellect and our feeling must be set on Christ.
  • First heart than our minds. I think this order is important. Our feelings first then our intellect

Verse 5 Then as we set our hearts and minds on Christ, we will be able to put to death the things of the earthly nature. A result of where our focus is.

If our hearts and minds are set on things above and Christ then the things of the world will die by starvation.