July 3, 2022

of governments and religions.

of governments and religions.

In this message Pastor Tim looks at Mark 8:1-18 and Jesus’ command to “watch our for the yest of the Pharisees and that of Herod.” What did Jesus mean by that and what does it mean for us today? How do we apply this verse in our day? we had technical difficulties with the audio recording of this message so  Here is a link to the video of the message.

Of Governments and Religion (Mark 8:1-18)

Mark 8:4 The Disciples only see the lack, and what seemingly can’t be done.

  • The disciples immediately begin to look for a natural solution.

Verse 5 Jesus calls their attention to what they do have. Do see the big difference in that?

Verse 6Jesus tells them to take what you have, sit down, and watch God do a miracle.

Verse 7 Jesus again gives thanks for what they did have, a few small fish.

Verse 8 The miracle is complete. It happened in the hands of the disciples.

  • And of course, the leftovers speak of God’s extravagant nature.
  • He didn’t just meet their need; He blew their mind.

Verse 11-12 Ironically enough the Pharisees ask for a sign.

  • The Pharisees were blind to the sign that just happened, and they also had different expectations.

Verse 14 Isn’t interesting that they just fed four thousand people, and suddenly they have no bread.

Verse 15 Right after this encounter with the pharisees Jesus warns His disciples about the yeast of the pharisees and of Herod.  This is the main point of this passage; this is what Jesus was really getting at.

  • The Pharisees and Herod represent two different World View
  • First, let’s ask why yeast? Why does Jesus make the analogy with yeast?
    • The work of yeast is not obvious, especially at first
    • The work of yeast is very subtle, but insidious.
    • But it is very pervasive, working through the whole batch of dough.
  • This is how it is with these world views.
    • Might not be obvious at first, but they are insidious.
    • they will eventually work through an entire society
  • Jesus is talking about the way world views will affect a society, just like yeast does in dough.
  • Now Let’s look at the two world views
  • First, is that of the pharisees
    • This represents a religious world view
    • One based on the Religious Law and Religious power, often based on shame and Guilt.
  • Second, one is Herod which represents government
    • This is based on secular power and secular law.
    • Humanism, fleshly power and control
  • Both world views have at their core a desire for control and influence over people away from God.
  • Let’s start by looking at the miracle that just happened, what would this look like?
    • Neither Herod or the Pharisees would say take what you have and multiply it.
  • Neither would say look to God. Neither would look to the super natural through the Holy Spirit.
  • This verse started with “Be careful and watch out” So now we need to know what that means.
    • Learn to discern what these world views look like.
      • The word translated as “Watch out” means perceive. So discern or perceive.
    • Don’t buy into or agree with the yeast of Herod or the Pharisees. Ignore
    • Repent if you have.

Verse 16 The disciples only see this as a natural realm issue, “we have no bread”

  • We hear a spiritual truth, and we respond with natural realm thinking.

Verse 17 By this he means not seeing in the spirit realm, not hearing in the Spirit realm,

Verse 18 Jesus restates their spiritual reality of dullness, and then presents an alternative

  • He invites them to remember what they have seen and heard.
  • When we remember or give testimony
    • The testimony of God describes the character of God.