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Sermon Tag: church
Taco Tue with Time goes online: Hearing from God
How to hear the Holy Spirit/God In this episode Tim and Alana discuss hearing from God and recognizing his Voice. Here are some of the questions they discuss. Do you think God speaks? And Speaks to the church today? In what ways can you “hear” from God? How do you tell if it is the...
The Accomplished Son
“The accomplished Son” Luke 15: 11-32 Remember this is a parable about a father not sons. Last week we looked at the Father and his mercy and willingness to accept the wayward son back. The Father even brings embarrassment to himself in receiving the son back. This week we will look at the older brother....
Being Kingdom People
Being Kingdom People In this episode Being Kingdom People we explore the idea that the church is to be from every tribe, language, people and nation. The mandate to be Kingdom People We start by discussing Revelations 5:9-10 and the mandate that the church on earth is to be every tribe, language, people and nation....
Taco Tue with time goes online: Spiritural gifts and healing
In this episode we discus spiritual gifts and in particular healing. Tim talked about when he first started to pray for healing and the shares several stories. Tim and Alana discuss the following 7 questions. 1. What was your first experience with healing? Was it something you saw someone else experience, or was it something...
The Undignified Love of the Father
The undignified love of the Father Turn in your bibles to Luke 15:11-3215 Verse 12The prodigal comes and ask the Father to divide his estate. This was basically the equivalent of saying “ I wish you were dead.” This was a completely outrages request and an insult to the father. Upon receiving such a...
Rest & Mourning 2020
Rest and Mourning • Matt 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. • There is a blessing that comes with mourning. Part of that blessings is direct comfort from the Lord Himself. The Commandment: Exodus 20:8 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and...
Stories from the Mission Field: Counting the Cost
Stories from the Mission field: Counting the Cost In this episode Stories from the Mission field Counting the Cost we discuss the expectations and costs for going on the mission field. What expectations should someone have before heading to the mission field. And then of course are the costs to having an experience on the...
I Understand That I Don’t Understand
I Understand that I don’t Understand In this episode I Understand that I don’t Understand we grieve with our black community and discuss with humility how to fight racism. However, we don’t claim to have any answers but we offer this with humility and grace. What we do know is that there continues to be...
Pentecost and the Color of the kingdom
Pentecost and the Color of the kingdom In this message we explore Pentecost and the color of the Kingdom. When the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost it was for all the nations on earth. (This message was recorded outside so there is some extra back ground noise) Revelations 5:7-10 Rev 5:8 This is all...
Complete Joy in the Midst of a Pandemic?
Complete Joy in the midst of a Pandemic. In John 15:9-13 Jesus promises us complete joy, or the full measure of joy. But for many of us we would say that we aren’t living in the reality of complete joy. Then on tip of that add the circumstances of the a global pandemic and...
Casting Down Idols and Exposing Blind Spots
As I look at how this Corona-virus pandemic has been playing out, I keep asking God what are you doing? And I believe one of the things that God is doing is exposing the idols and blind spots in the church, at least here in the U.S. This is a very biblical concept. When we...
Worship and the effects of COVID-19
A discussion on Worship and the effects of COVID-19, the online version of Taco Tue with Tim. Because we can’t meet for tacos at our favorite taco shop we took our discussion online. So you’re welcome to grab your own tacos and join us for this discussion. Why talk about it from the perspective of...
Covid-19 The Curse, the Mercy, and the Response
Sorry for poor audio quality Covid-19 The Curse, the Mercy, and the Response The Curse • This is a question I have been hearing both from believers and non-believers. o “Why would a loving God allow this to happen?” o To briefly answer this question, we must go back to Genesis 1 & 2 •...
Winning the War for Your Mind part III Temptations
Pastor Tim Mengler continues in the series Winning the War for Your Mind this week dealing with temptations. • 1 Cor 10:13 There is nothing unusual about our temptations. • Why is this important? Because the enemy tries to convince us no one else has this problem. o Use this verse, don’t condone the sin;...
Winning the War for Your Mind Part II
Winning the War for Your Mind Pt II Scripture as Our Weapon (Psalm 23) Psalm 23:1 What is the job of shepherd? To provide and care for, to protect, to look out for. • When those thoughts are coming against you. I feel alone, I feel unprotected, I feel uncared for. o Respond with what...
Winning the War for Your Mind
Winning the War for Your Mind (2 Cor 10:1-5) Verse 3 Paul realizes that this is spiritual warfare. This is a spiritual issue, not a worldly one. Verse 4 The implication is that Paul sees their criticism of him being rooted in a demonic stronghold. • The word stronghold refers to a place where an...
The Heart of Worship Pt 2 In Spirit and Truth
The Heart of Worship Pt 2 (John 3 & 4) • John 3 A Pharisee named Nicodemus come to Jesus and asks to know more about the Kingdom. o Jesus says, in order to know God and understand the Kingdom of God, you must be born again. o John 3:5-6 There are two parts to...
The Heart of Worship (With Communion Message)
The Heart of Worship (Physical posture as worship) • In Matt 14 after Jesus clams the storm, it says “they worshipped Him.” • The word ‘worshipped’ here means: to fall down, to kneel, to bow down, fall at the feet of another, to prostrate oneself. It can even mean to kiss the hand of. o...
On Mission with God: To the Nations and the Neighbors
On Mission with God: To the Nations and the Neighbors (Rev 5:8-10) • Matt, Mark, & Luke all have the same basic command from Jesus to be on mission and take the Gospel to all nations. • These passages are generally referred to as the Great Commission. Acts 2:5 God saw fit to have every...
Let God Be on Mission in You: Growing in the Desert Season
Let God be on Mission in You: Growing in the Desert (Matt 4:-11) • The Lord wants to grow us to be more like Him and one of the primary ways He does that is through a wilderness or desert experience. o Desert seasons are also often very long, sometimes years. • All three Gospels...
On Mission with God: Serving as the Gospel
On Mission with God: Serving and Compassion (Matt 20:24, John 13:12) • Matt 20:26 The context here is that the mother of Zebedee’s sons came asked for her sons to sit at the sides of Jesus. Then the other ten disciples get made about this. • In the Greek Jesus actually states this very emphatically,...
On Mission with God: All In
In Luke 9 Jesus says that those that want to follow Him will have to deny themselves and take up their cross daily. In this message we explore what that means and how it relates to being on Mission with God. On Mission with God: All In (Luke Chapter 9) Verse 18 Jesus is trying...
On Mission With God: Immanuel
On Mission with God: Immanuel • Isa 7:14 This Hebrew name occurs three times in the OT with two times being in Isa 7 & 8 • The name implies that Jesus is leaving heaven and coming to be with us here on earth. The structure of the name: The name is really made up...
On Mission With God: Destroying the Devil’s Work
On Mission with God: Destroying the works of the Devil • 1 John 3:8 The context here is sin, John it telling his readers that you can’t continue in a life of sin. • But the work of the devil is the source of sin. o Jesus came to destroy all the works of the...
On Mission with God: Praying toward the Mission
On Mission with God Praying toward the Mission (Acts 4:23-31) • We cannot be on mission with God as the primary purpose of the church without prayer. • The specifics, the wisdom, of how we are going to walk out this mission are going to come through prayer. o The power and empowerment for this...
On Mission with God: Discovering the Primary Purpose of the Church
On Mission with God Discovering the primary purpose of the Church • Since the moment Adam and Eve fell in the garden God has been on a mission, the missio dei o That mission has been to restore the relationship between mankind and God Himself. o In the OT era God’s mission was primarily seen...
Learning to be Content
In Philippians chapter 4 Paul says that he has learned to be content in every situation. I think that’s a great lesson for us all to learn. Let’s look at this passage and ask who were his teachers and what was the curriculum to see if we too can learn to be content? Learning to...
For the Love of Weeds
For the Love of Weeds (Matt 13:24-30) • Verse 24 Jesus tells a parable using language and concepts they would have been understood. But of course, adding new meaning and symbolism. Verse 24 The kingdom of heaven is the kingdom of God. Jesus tends to use these terms interchangeably. • The man or farmer here...
Of Governments and Religion
In this passage we take a look at Jesus’ warning about the yeast of the Pharisees and of Herod. Jesus is talking about the world views of religion and government. Heeding this warning from Jesus will help us discern the times we are living in. Of Governments and Religion (Mark 8:1-18) Verses 1-3 This passage...
Holy Spirit: Be Being Filled
A brief introduction to the Holy Spirit and the importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit. Living in the Spirit: Being Filled (Ehp 5:15 and Acts 8) Eph 5:18 The verb here in the NIV as “be filled” is a present passive imperative in the Greek. o There are three components to this grammar...
Communion: Psalm 23
Today we take a look at Psalm 23 and how it perfectly represents Jesus and therefore also perfectly represents the Communion Table. Communion Psalm 23 Verse 1 The Shepherd’s job was to protect the sheep. • Jesus is of course The Shepherd, our Shepherd. o And He has laid down His life for us, the...
Seek First: The Church
Seek First: The Church (Matt 16:18-19) • The Church is the body of Christ and the Bride of Christ. You can’t love one without loving the other. o But to love the church we must understand the mission of the church. Verse 16 Jesus is talking to Peter and setting him up to be the...
My House Shall Be Called A House of Prayer
My House Shall Be Called A House of Prayer. This scene comes during the Palm Sunday entry into Jerusalem. After Jesus comes riding into the city with everyone cheering and singing praises there is this little verse where Jesus goes into the Temple and looks around. Verses:12-14 He curses the fig tree and a...