House of Prayer

House of Prayer

House of Prayer (Mark 11:11-17) Mark 11:11 This scene comes during the Palm Sunday entry into Jerusalem. After Jesus comes riding into the city with everyone cheering and singing praises. Verses:12-14 He curses the fig tree and a few verses later we see that the tree has died. First, There is a metaphor between the...

Captivated by Jesus

Captivated by Jesus

In this message guest speaker Alana Becker talks about the familiar passage in Jeremiah 29:11 (For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.) and shows us it might not mean what we always though...

To the Nations and the Neighbors

To the Nations and the Neighbors

To the Nations and the Neighbors (2022) Matt 28:18; Mark 16:15; Luke 24:46 These passages are generally referred to as the Great Commission. Jesus’ clear and emphatic call to His Disciples to take the mission of God to the nations and to our neighbors. Around the world and across the street. Acts 2:5 God saw...

Do not worry Seek First

Do not worry Seek First

Do Not Worry: Seek First…. Part II (Matt 6:25-29) Verse 30 This is a continuation of Jesus’ command not to worry about what to wear. Not so much what outfit to wear, but that we would have something to wear. Jesus continues His analogy but switches from, “wild flowers” to “grass of the field.” His...

Do not worry…Consider closely

Do not worry…Consider closely

  Do Not Worry: Consider Closely (Matt 6:25-34) Verse 25 In the previous section Jesus tells three very short parables of sorts. First, do not store up treasures on earth Second, guard the condition of our soul Third, you can’t serve two masters, both God and money. It is into that context that Jesus begins...

The beauty of stripping

The beauty of stripping

  The beauty of stripping (Hebrews 12:1) The whole point of this verse is to encourage his readers to run the race and to finish well. The context here is of course is the Christian life. The race marked out for us is the Christian Life. The writer gives us this exhortation to run the...

Tylenol Prayers

Tylenol Prayers

Tylenol Prayers (Mark 9:14-29) Verse 29 After the Disciples failed to get the demon out, they ask Jesus why they couldn’t get the demon out. Jesus gives an answer about prayer. Some translation includes the word fasting. But the word fasting is not in the most original Greek texts. It is simply the Greek word...

Jesus as Psalm 23

Jesus as Psalm 23

Jesus as Psalm 23 Psalm 23:1 The Shepherd’s job was to protect the sheep. To deal with any enemies that came to attack the sheep. Jesus is of course the shepherd, our shepherd. And He has laid down His life for us, the sheep. To save us from the attacks of the enemy the devil....

A Focus on Jesus

A Focus on Jesus

  A Focus on Jesus (Matt 12:38) Luke starts his account by pointing out that the crowds were getting bigger. Matt is writing to a Jewish audience, so he points out that the crowd was made up of Pharisees law teachers. Matt ends with a demand from the Pharisees and teachers of the law. They...

Jesus stops the weapon

Jesus stops the weapon

Here is a link to the video of the message. In this message pastor Tim looks at Isaiah 54:16-17. This is the passage that says, “no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.” When we quote this verse in prayer we often take it out of context....

The Tale of two Kingdoms

The Tale of two Kingdoms

Click here for a link to the message.  In this message pastor Tim looks at John 10:10 where Jesus contrasts the activities of the devil with the Kingdom of God. This is really a message on Spiritual warfare, how to recognize it and how to stop it.   The tale of two kingdoms (John 10:10)...

The Mercy of Justice

The Mercy of Justice

In this message pastor Tim looks at Micah 6:8 where God explains all that is required of us. Tim then shows us that Jesus perfectly walks out Micah 6:8 in John 8:2-6. John 8:2-6 also shows us how we can walk out Micah 6:8 in our day. we had technical difficulties with the audio recording...

of governments and religions.

of governments and religions.

In this message Pastor Tim looks at Mark 8:1-18 and Jesus’ command to “watch our for the yest of the Pharisees and that of Herod.” What did Jesus mean by that and what does it mean for us today? How do we apply this verse in our day? we had technical difficulties with the audio...

Government Submission

Government Submission

  Government Submission (Romans 13:1-2) Romans 13:1 Historical context Paul wrote the book of Romans in AD 57, 57 years after Christ. The Romans were still ruling over the land of Israel. Nero is the Roman emperor at this time. And we know from history that Nero was one of the most brutal emperors. Many...

Biblical Rest

Biblical Rest

Biblical Rest (2022) The Commandment: Exodus 20:8-11   This is one of the original Ten Commandments. Exodus 34:21 This passage is later after the people have rebelled with the golden calf etc. This was very much a societal rest. Something we have really lost sight of today. Notice, they didn’t rest and quickly fell into...

Clothed with Power Pentecost Sunday 2022

Clothed with Power Pentecost Sunday 2022

  Clothed with Power (Pentecost Sunday 2022) Luke 24:45 Despite having Hebrew backgrounds and having studied the OT scriptures, they didn’t fully understand the relevant OT scriptures.  But Jesus opens their minds to understand those scriptures. This is a foreshadowing of the role of the Holy Spirit. Verse 47 Jesus alludes to what we call...

The strength you have is  enough Part 2

The strength you have is enough Part 2

  The Strength You have is Enough Part II With Right Understanding Picking up in verse 33 It appears Gideon had very little time to think this over and/or prepare. Verse 34 As a result he is suddenly given the strength to summon the other tribes and clans. Verse 35 They are responding to him...

The Power of Life Death

The Power of Life Death

The power of life and death (proverbs 18:21) Proverbs 18:21 You will receive either good or evil according to the quality of your speech. You get what you speak, our words are that powerful. The power of God inhabits our Words. Deut 30:19 As in Proverbs 18:21 life and death are held in speech, blessings...

The Spirit of Easter

The Spirit of Easter

The Spirit of Easter: 2022 In the OT: In the Old Testament and old covenant era the HS was only situationally available or present. He would come on a prophet and give the prophet words to speak on behalf of God. But he wasn’t always and continually present within the followers of God. The Promise:...

Resurrection Power

Resurrection Power

Easter 2022 Resurrection Power Luke 24:1 The first day of the week is of course Sunday. The structure in the Greek suggests this was at first light, as soon as they could see. Verse 2 The tomb would have had a large round stone that looked like a wheel or disk covering the opening. The...

His Relentless Pursuit

His Relentless Pursuit

  Palm Sunday 2022: His Relentless Pursuit (Luke 19:28) Verses 28-29 There is a strong contrast in this section between the rejoicing of the crowd over Jesus’ entry and the lamenting and weeping of Jesus over the coming rejection of the people and the destruction of Jerusalem. Verse 30 Jesus’ confidence about the animal’s availability,...

Drop Your Weapon

Drop Your Weapon

  Drop Your weapon (Psalm 46) We have romanticized this verse. When we think “be still” we think of floating on a cloud like an angel. As we try to understand this verse, we have to keep in mind the context of the previous verses. Look at verse 9: This is all military language. Bow...

What gets in the way

What gets in the way

What gets in the way?  (John 21:15-23) Today let’s focus in on two questions in this passage. Jesus’s questions to Peter, and Peter’s question to Jesus. Jesus asks the first question, “Do you truly love me?” (NIV) Many translations render it “Do you love me more than these?” In the Greek the word is “these”...

Where is God?

Where is God?

  Where is God? (Luke 8:40-48) Starting in Luke 8:40 we see two miracles; The two characters in these stories are also unlikely characters. Luke 8:40 The crowd’s reaction here is in contrast to the fear of the crowd Jesus just left on the other side of the lake after he healed the man with...

Behind Enemy Lines

Behind Enemy Lines

  Behind Enemy Lines  Mark 1:21-24  A man with a demon is the only one to recognize Jesus for who He is. The people also didn’t seem to mind or care that a demon was in the synagogue. The demon spoke up to cause a distraction and take attention away from Jesus. John 10:10 This...

Process Disciple

Process Disciple

  Process Disciple   Matt 28: 19 Jesus has risen from the dead and is giving his disciples their final instructions. Whenever you see a “Therefore” in scripture you must ask what it is there for? In this case it is tying back to the last verse (18). Matt 28:18 There is a close connection...

The New Way of Love

The New Way of Love

  The new way of Love Turn to John 13:34 This is a command straight from the mouth of ___________. What is this new commandment? _____________________ So agape love is where I love you because I see the ___________ God has put in you. The world can’t separate love from the _____________. As Christians we...

Theology of Tithe

Theology of Tithe

  Theology of Tithe Historical context: We first see the idea of an offering or a tithe in Gen 4:3-7 Cain brought fruit from his crops and Able brought fat portions from his flocks. Acknowledging that it was God who gave them the crops and animals. We first see the tithe being 10% in Gen...

Only Jesus

Only Jesus

  Only Jesus Acts 4:8-12 The context here is that Peter had healed a crippled beggar and now is facing charges from the religious leaders. Look at verses 9 & 10, Peter makes it clear that it was not simply an act of Kindness that healed the man. Verse ten makes it clear that it...

God of Restoration and Sound Theology

God of Restoration and Sound Theology

God of restoration (2022) From Genesis to revelation, we see that God is a god of restoration. Gen 41:39–43   How do you go from a prisoner to the second in command of an entire country that fast? But God loves to restore and restore_______________.   And in the next chapter of Genesis Joseph is...

The Justice of Christmas

The Justice of Christmas

  The Justice of Christmas In the previous chapters of Malachi God has made serious accusations against the people. God has charged the priest with not faithfully doing their duty. He has accused both the people and the priests of offering stolen sacrifices. God has accused them of having broken the covenant he had with...

Though we Fall, We Shall Rise

Though we Fall, We Shall Rise

Though We Fall, We Shall Rise Proverbs 24:16: NIV for though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again,     but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes. The Falling Down The righteous ______________   The wicked ________________   The situation that is given is when ________________________   Colossians 1:22 NIV But now he has reconciled you...



  Thanksgiving 2021   What are some things that get in the way of you being Thankful? ________________________   What are some ways you can be more thankful for the little things? _____________________________ ______________________________   How can being Thankful change the atmosphere_____________________________________?   What are you Thankful for right now? ______________________________________________   __________________________________________________   __________________________________________________...

Running with Agony

Running with Agony

Running with agony Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let’s start with the exhortation itself, at the end of the verse....

Learning to be content

Learning to be content

Learning to be Content  Philippians 4:11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any...

Perfect Patience

Perfect Patience

  Perfect Patience?   1 Timothy 1:15-16   Paul is saying that Jesus,’ __________ with our sin is ___________ or ___________ in endurance. How would you live differently if you knew and understood that God has unlimited patience and mercy for you and your sins? _______________________________________________   If God’s mercy can extend to someone as...

There Your Heart Will Be Also

There Your Heart Will Be Also

  There Your Heart Will Be Also   Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.     What are 2 things I’m spending my time, energy, and money on?     _________________________________________     _________________________________________       What are 2 thoughts that run through my head constantly?  ...

A life worth following part 2

A life worth following part 2

  A Life worth Following part 2 ( 1 Cor 11:1) 1 Cor 11:1 Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ Three are three key issues here in this verse. First, the quality of Paul’s life, the worthiness to be followed. Second, there is a deliberate invitation. “Follow me” Third, it was...

A Life worth Following (2021) Part one

A Life worth Following (2021) Part one

  In this message pastor Tim looks at 1 Cor 11:1 where Paul says “Follow me as I follow the example of Christ.” What does this mean for us in our day? A life worth following 1 Cor 11:1 Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ 1 Cor 11:1 (NLT:)  And you...

Praying the Opportunity

Praying the Opportunity

  Pray the opportunity (Eph 6:18) NLT 18 Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. It’s best to read an English translation that include the word “time.” In the Greek language There are two words for time. Chronos (From where...

Becoming what you behold

Becoming what you behold

  Guest speaker Alana Becker talks about becoming what you behold. This message is rooted in the idea of Psalm 100:4.

The Reign and rule of a King

The Reign and rule of a King

  Evil Spirits (Mark 1:21-28) Here we see Jesus exercise rule and authority over evil spirits. Verse 24 shows that the evil spirit immediately recognized Jesus for who he was. Notice also that Jesus did not have to scream or shout or get worked up to get rid of the demon. He simply says “be...

Are you Upside Down?

Are you Upside Down?

  Are you Upside Down? N (Luke 6:17-26) Verse 17 There are three people groups shown here, Apostles (them), a crowd of disciples, and a great number of people. While the people have come from all over these are still Jews and not Gentiles yet. Verse 18 People were coming to Jesus for healing and...

The call of the Kingdom

The call of the Kingdom

  The call of the Kingdom  (Matt 11:16-19) Verse 11 Many of Jesus’ parables start with something like. What is the kingdom of God like? What shall I compare it to?  Jesus was always trying to find a way to help the people understand what the Kingdom of God is like. Here he tries to...

A recipe for the Kingdom

A recipe for the Kingdom

A recipe for the Kingdom: Mustard and yeast (Luke 13:18-21) Luke 13:18 Just like the other parables we looked at, Jesus is trying to help His disciples and the people of the day understand what the Kingdom of God is. When the disciples and the people of the day would think about the concept of...

Is it worth it

Is it worth it

In this message pastor Tim looks at the parable of the great Banquet in Matt 22. What did it mean in Jesus’ day and what does it mean for us today?

The Price of Grace

The Price of Grace

In this message Pastor Tim looks at the parables of the treasure and the parable of the Pearl of Great price from Matt 13. What do these parables mean and how should we understand them in our day and how do they help us understand the Kingdom of God? The Price of Grace (Matt 13:44-46)...

Serving and Compassion the way Jesus did

Serving and Compassion the way Jesus did

  Serving and Compassion (Matt 20:24, John 13:12-17)   Matt 20:24 The context here is that the mother of the Zebedee’s sons had come and asked for her sons to sit at the side of Jesus. Matt 20:20 Then the other ten disciples get made about this. “They were indignant with the two brothers” Verse...

What Image do you Have?

What Image do you Have?

  What Image do you have? (Mark 12:13-17) Mark 12:12 ends by saying the pharisees were mad at Jesus for teaching against them. Verse 13 The parallel account in Matt adds that the disciples of the Pharisees also came along. By having the disciples of the Pharisees come along they are trying to inflate the...

The Abundant Life

The Abundant Life

The Abundant Life (John 10:10) Jesus starts by saying that the thief comes only to…. It’s actually the word from where we would get our English word Kleptomaniac. Definition of: Kleptomania: Impulse control disorder that involves the repeated impulse to steal for no great gain, when the perpetrator has sufficient money to pay for the...

Building on Faith Part 2

Building on Faith Part 2

Building on Faith part 2 (Matt16:19-20) Verse 19 Jesus goes from talking about the gates of hell in verse 18 to the keys of heaven in verse 19. The word translated here as “keys’ in the original language here means access to power. This same type of language and imagery of binding and losing is...

Building on Faith

Building on Faith

  Building on Faith (Matt 16:13-180 This scene starts in verse 13 when Jesus asks his disciples who the crowds say that he is. Verse 18 This statement is part of How Jesus then responds to Peter’s correct answer. It starts with a play on words in the original language, Petros and Petra The Name...

A wicked and adulterous generation

A wicked and adulterous generation

  A wicked and adulterous generation (Matt 12:38-42)  In Luke 11:29 it says… As the crowds increased, Jesus said, “This is a wicked generation. It asks for a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah. Luke is pointing out that the crowds were getting bigger. Verse 38 Because Matt is...

Jesus Perfect acceptance

Jesus Perfect acceptance

  Jesus Perfect acceptance (Luke 7:36 Verse 36 The same story in Matt and Mark identifies the man as Simon the leper. It’s somewhat shocking that Jesus would go to the house of a Pharisee, given how much they hated Jesus. And if this man were a leper, then a good Jew didn’t go anywhere...

Pentecost and the Mission of God

Pentecost and the Mission of God

  In this first part of the message Pastor Tim speaks briefly from Acts 2:5-8 and Revelations 7:9-10 and the significance of Pentecost being for every nation. Then Missionary Karla speaks about her work in the African nation of Senegal.

Men of Courage: Mother’s Day 2021

Men of Courage: Mother’s Day 2021

  Men of Courage: Mother’s Day 2021 Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her If we can understand how Christ loved the church, then we will know how to love and lead well at home. His love was sacrificial Matt 20: 26 He gave...

Jesus in the Lord’s Supper

Jesus in the Lord’s Supper

  Jesus in The Lord’s Supper (Lev 4:27-310 Verses 27-28 This section deals with a sin committed unintentionally, and what must be done when the person is made aware of his or her sin. being made “aware of” their sin is tied back to the first verse here where it says a “member of the...

Jesus sees our Pain Part 2

Jesus sees our Pain Part 2

  Jesus sees our Pain Part 2 (Luke 13:10-17) Verse 10 I think Jesus loved to heal and teach on the Sabbath to show that the Sabbath belonged to Him. Verse 11 Because this was a Sabbath and they were at the synagogue there would have been a large crowd. This time there is this...

Jesus sees our Pain

Jesus sees our Pain

  Jesus sees our Pain (Luke 8:40-48) Starting in Luke 8:40 we see two miracles; The two characters in these stories are also unlikely characters. Luke 8:40 The crowd’s reaction here is in contrast to the fear of the crowd Jesus just left on the other side of the lake after he healed the man...

You Are Known

You Are Known

You are known (Luke 15:1-7)  Luke 15:1 There is a shift in emphasis in this passage where Jesus is moving away from the religious leaders and hanging out with the sinners and tax collectors. Verse 1 Those identified as “sinners” were those that were perceived by the religious leaders as being unfaithful to the law....

Jeusus’ relentless Love Pursuit

Jeusus’ relentless Love Pursuit

  Palm Sunday 2021: His Relentless Pursuit (Luke 19:28) Verses 28-29 There is a strong contrast in this section between the rejoicing of the crowd over Jesus’ entry and the lamenting and weeping of Jesus over the coming rejection of the people and the destruction of Jerusalem. Verse 30 Jesus’ confidence about the animal’s availability,...

Recapture: Servant hood

Recapture: Servant hood

  Recapture: Servant hood Acts 6:1 It starts by saying that the church was growing. the number of disciples was increasing There is also an accusation of favoritism In the early days of the church, as with now, part of the church’s role was to help feed the needy and hungry. This first verse simply...

Recapture Your first Love

Recapture Your first Love

Recapture: Your First Love (Rev 2:1-5) Christians are supposed to be known for their love. Remember Jesus’ word’s in John 13:35 Rev 2–5 We have to start with learning some things about the church in Ephesus and the city of Ephesus. We see the birth of the church in Ephesus in Acts 19:1-7 But they...

Recapture the Presence

Recapture the Presence

  Recapture the Presence (Exodus 33 and 1 Kings 8) Today as we begin to talk about recapturing biblical church, I want to talk about the Presence of God The real sustained presence of God. The people of God entertaining the presence of God verses the church entertaining the people. Exodus 33:11-18 Verse 16 Moses...

Revelation in the Storm

Revelation in the Storm

  IN this message pastor Tim looks at Mark 6:45-52 where Jesus walks on water to reach the Disciples who are caught in a terrible wind. But the text also says that Jesus wished or intended to “pass them by.” What does that mean and how might that apply to us today?  

Carrying Around Death

Carrying Around Death

We tend to see hardship and suffering as negative and fight against them. But Paul saw them as positive and essential to the Gospel message. In this message pastor Tim looks at 2 Corinthians 8:7-12 where Paul tells us that our suffering, hardships and persecutions are all part of the Gospel message. Rather then fighting...

One Focus: Christ crucified, 20/20 vision

One Focus: Christ crucified, 20/20 vision

  In this message Pastor Tim look at 1 Cor 1:23 and 1 cor 2:2 and talks about why Paul needed to make these statements to the church in Corinth and why these two statements are still so important for us today in a year like 2020.

What is required?

What is required?

  What is required?  (Micah 6:8 and John 8) Micah 6:8 The Israelites always tried to make it more difficult and complicated than it needed to. Starting here in verse 8 God is boiling down what is required in real simple terms for the people. This word from the Lord through Micah is as much...

Spiritual Gifts Training: faith & Discerning Spirits (2020)

Spiritual Gifts Training: faith & Discerning Spirits (2020)

Spiritual Gifts Training: faith & Discerning Spirits (2020) Faith Most bible scholars see three different kinds of faith represented in scripture. Conversion faith The faith of salvation “Saved through faith” Eph 2:8-9 Continuing faith The faith to live out the Christian life A fruit of the Spirit for life Gal 5:22 Charismatic faith This is...

Entertaining the Presence

Entertaining the Presence

Sorry for poor audio quality! The people of God, the church, entertaining (host) the presence of God verses the church entertaining the people. Entertaining the Presence he has this tour guide simply identified as “the man.” This man is leading Ezekiel through a long and complex vision. Much of the last part of the book...

What we are known for: Are we radical enough?

What we are known for: Are we radical enough?

  What Are we Known For  (Rev 3:14-22) Verse 14 The implication throughout this passage  is that there is no difference between those in the church and the average Laodicean citizen who was not in the church. God is speaking to the church but he is using the terms and the descriptions of the culture....

Tired and weary??

Tired and weary??

Tired and weary?? Eph 5:14  I Felt like the breast plate of righteousness was the answer to our heaviness and tiredness. Verse 14  In the Greek the verb to “to put on” is repeated in this clause, the NIV assumes that. So it would read and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, The enemy...

Psalm 23 Communion

Psalm 23 Communion

Communion Psalm 23 Verse 1 The Shepherd’s job was to protect the sheep. To deal with any enemies that came to attack the sheep. (Wolves, lions, depending on location) Jesus even identifies Himself as the Good Shepherd in John 10:11. John 10:11, Jesus says he is the Good Shepherd, the word “good” there in the...

The power of life and Death

The power of life and Death

  The power of life and death (18:2) Proverbs 18:21 This is a powerful verse that perhaps we often overlook or forget about. This means that means you will receive either good or evil according to the quality of your speech. You get what you speak, our words are that powerful. The power of God...

Anointed faithfulness

Anointed faithfulness

  Anointed faithfulness (Matt 25:14) The differences: Let’s start with the differences between this parable and the parable of the minas in Luke 19. In the parable of the ten minas each was given the same amount, one mina. In this parable thy are given different amounts depending on their ability. So this parable is...

Serving as a place of power and restoration

Serving as a place of power and restoration

  Serving as a place of power and restoration (1 Peter 4:10) Quote: Esau McCauley (Asst. Professor NT, Wheaton College)—“The religion that needs a politician to protect it is not Christianity. If death couldn’t hold Jesus then we’ll be fine come what may.” If we think the church needs recuse then we have one of...

Taco Tue with Time goes online: Hearing from God

Taco Tue with Time goes online: Hearing from God

How to hear the Holy Spirit/God In this episode Tim and Alana discuss hearing from God and recognizing his Voice. Here are some of the questions they discuss. Do you think God speaks? And Speaks to the church today? In what ways can you “hear” from God? How do you tell if it is the...

The Accomplished Son

The Accomplished Son

“The accomplished Son” Luke 15: 11-32  Remember this is a parable about a father not sons. Last week we looked at the Father and his mercy and willingness to accept the wayward son back. The Father even brings embarrassment to himself in receiving the son back. This week we will look at the older brother....

Being Kingdom People

Being Kingdom People

Being Kingdom People In this episode Being Kingdom People we explore the idea that the church is to be from every tribe, language, people and nation. The mandate to be Kingdom People We start by discussing Revelations 5:9-10 and the mandate that the church on earth is to be every tribe, language, people and nation....

The Undignified Love of the Father

The Undignified Love of the Father

  The undignified love of the Father Turn in your bibles to Luke 15:11-3215 Verse 12The prodigal comes and ask the Father to divide his estate. This was basically the equivalent of saying “ I wish you were dead.” This was a completely outrages request and an insult to the father. Upon receiving such a...

Rest & Mourning 2020

Rest & Mourning 2020

Rest and Mourning • Matt 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. • There is a blessing that comes with mourning. Part of that blessings is direct comfort from the Lord Himself. The Commandment: Exodus 20:8 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and...

Stories from the Mission Field: Counting the Cost

Stories from the Mission Field: Counting the Cost

Stories from the Mission field: Counting the Cost In this episode Stories from the Mission field Counting the Cost we discuss the expectations and costs for going on the mission field. What expectations should someone have before heading to the mission field. And then of course are the costs to having an experience on the...

I Understand That I Don’t Understand

I Understand That I Don’t Understand

I Understand that I don’t Understand In this episode I Understand that I don’t Understand we grieve with our black community and discuss with humility how to fight racism. However, we don’t claim to have any answers but we offer this with humility and grace. What we do know is that there continues to be...

Pentecost and the Color of the kingdom

Pentecost and the Color of the kingdom

Pentecost and the Color of the kingdom In this message we explore Pentecost and the color of the Kingdom. When the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost it was for all the nations on earth. (This message was recorded outside so there is some extra back ground noise) Revelations 5:7-10   Rev 5:8 This is all...

Stories from the Mission Field

Stories from the Mission Field

Stories from the mission field. In this episode Alana ask Tim to share some stories from the mission field. Tim has traveled to Africa to do mission work now many times over the past several years. Over the course of those trips Tim has accumulated many stories.  Some he can share and some he can’t....

Walking in the Tension of the Kingdom

Walking in the Tension of the Kingdom

A discussion on walking in the tension of the Kingdom. This is the online version of Taco Tue with Tim. Because we can’t meet for tacos at our favorite taco shop, we took our discussion online. So you’re welcome to grab your own tacos and join us for this discussion. Why the topic of walking...

Winning the War for Your Mind part III Temptations

Winning the War for Your Mind part III Temptations

Pastor Tim Mengler continues in the series Winning the War for Your Mind this week dealing with temptations. • 1 Cor 10:13 There is nothing unusual about our temptations. • Why is this important? Because the enemy tries to convince us no one else has this problem. o Use this verse, don’t condone the sin;...

On Mission with God: To the Nations and the Neighbors

On Mission with God: To the Nations and the Neighbors

On Mission with God: To the Nations and the Neighbors (Rev 5:8-10) • Matt, Mark, & Luke all have the same basic command from Jesus to be on mission and take the Gospel to all nations. • These passages are generally referred to as the Great Commission. Acts 2:5 God saw fit to have every...

On Mission With God: Destroying the Devil’s Work

On Mission With God: Destroying the Devil’s Work

On Mission with God: Destroying the works of the Devil • 1 John 3:8 The context here is sin, John it telling his readers that you can’t continue in a life of sin. • But the work of the devil is the source of sin. o Jesus came to destroy all the works of the...

Seek First: Pentecost

Seek First: Pentecost

The church of Jesus has been born out of the presence of God and was created to gather around His presence continually through the Holy Spirit. In the book of Acts, we see that, within a few short weeks,  the crowd in Jerusalem went from saying, “Crucify Jesus” to “What must we do to be...

Seek First: His Presence

Seek First: His Presence

Everything we need is the found in the presence of God. Moses knew this. Chapter 33 of the book of Exodus contains some incredible comments by Moses, statements that serve us well as we seek to know God and encourage others in the 21st Century. Even though Moses already had an incredible and personal relationship...

Seek First: Rest and Sabbath

Seek First: Rest and Sabbath

  In the frantic pace of today’s society, the concept of rest sounds like a quaint antique. However, Sabbath rest is biblically fundamental to the kingdom of God. Sabbath rest is highlighted in the Ten Commandments, where God goes out of his way to remind us to “remember” the Sabbath. In the agricultural age of...

Seek First: The Church

Seek First: The Church

Seek First: The Church (Matt 16:18-19) • The Church is the body of Christ and the Bride of Christ. You can’t love one without loving the other. o But to love the church we must understand the mission of the church. Verse 16 Jesus is talking to Peter and setting him up to be the...

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